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Where am I?
What's happening?
Why is it so bright?
I remember thinking those things when I first woke up.
I slowly lifted my self from the polished marble flooring.
Huh. There are other people here too. Do they know where we are? I wonder. Maybe I should ask someone... I'll ask that nice looking lady over there. She looks around my age...

"Excuse me," I said walking up to the woman.
She turned to look at me, and I got a glimpse of her beautiful face. She had dark, black hair with a slight tint of indigo. Her eyes were a watery-blue that shined under the ballroom lights. He lips were as pink as Danganronpa blood. Her blue blouse slightly revealed her back, as pieces of cloth strapped across her back in an X. She had gold earrings shaped like isosceles acute triangles.. She was extremely beautiful. I didn't say that of course, but it's true. I find it undescribable how beautiful she was.

"Um, hello Ms. Do you happen to know where we are?" I said awkwardly.

"Unfortunately not, dear. That's what I'm trying to figure out. I have concluded that we are in a ballroom of some sort, though." She said then walked away.

She loomed back at me.

"Well, aren't you coming deary?" She said smiling.

"Yes, ma'am!" I said, slightly stunned at her invitation.

"You don't have to call me ma'am, deary. Just call me Naoko." She said, as we were walking around the ballroom.

"Oh, okay" I was slightly embarrassed that I was practically corrected by Naoko but I didn't show it.

"You can just call me Yamiko, or Yami if you'd like." I said back to Naoko.

" Hm, may I stick with Deary, Yamiko?" Naoko said, then looked at me.

" Um, yeah that's fine too,I guess..." I said awkwardly.

I thought she would just use my regular name. I knew I was holding back my smile. Being given a nickname has a certain,undescribable, glory to it that you just can't shake. It makes you feel special. Especially, when it's from a beautiful Asian-american woman.

"Well,deary, I think we are in a mansion or a big house of some sort." She said and put her hand on her chin.

"How do you know that?" I asked awkwardly. Was I missing something or...?

She looked at me awkwardly for a few seconds.

"Where are you from?" She said, changing the subject.

"Texas, why?" Why did she change the subject...?

"Do they have normal houses with roomd this big in Texas?" She asked.

Oop. Bingo. That's why she changed the subject.

"Hehe, no, you're right." I giggled awkwardly.

" Hello? Attention! 1, 2, 3, is this thing on?" Said a mysterious voice from the intercom on the wall.

Everybody looked up.

A circle in the floor started elevating upwards. Soon, a small desk rose out of the ground, on the circle of flooring.

A small, red-haired girl sat on the chair behind the desk. She stood up, and walked around, to the front of the desk, then, jumped up,onto the surface of the desk, and sat.

" Hello!" She said in a high pitch voice.

" I'm Meredith! But you can call me Mer!" She said and giggled.

"Welcome..." She said and stopped.

She started giggling, then chuckling, then laughing. She then laughed loud, and hysterically.


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