xi. miss sunshine

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I am now officially standing like a lost girl in the middle of an enormous college.

Speaking of which, I have actually never been to any college before, but I think it has quite a good first impression.

My eyes glance over all the students. Some are studying, others are talking, and a hell lot others are making out.

It is obvious that there are students staring, so I politely give them the look.

I sprint through the students, playing my chances to get away from Peter.

As I run in the hallway, I bump into someone, resulting in them dropping their stuff.

I kneel down and help the person grab some papers they dropped. "My apologies" I excuse.

"Ah, no worries!" they reply as I help them stand up. "Hi"

"I'm Mj, short for Mary Jane. Mary Jane Watson" the girl introduces herself.

I take a look at the girl in front of me. She was tall with a dark black hair, unlike the Michelle. 

"Irene. Irene Haven"

I can never come up with believable last names in such situations.

"You're new here, right?"

"I'm only here for a few days" I shrug.

"Oh. That's sad. You actually seem cool. Anyways there's this party taking place tonight at the Thompson's place" Mj explains as she hands me over a paper of the ones she dropped.

"Oh, you can also bring a friend!" she yells from within the crowd.

This girl is a real crowd lover. I wonder if all Mj's love people.

This is going to be a great, great day.

I thought I was gonna stay here forever for a moment.

But then I wasn't.

Peter and I are now sitting in class. He is sitting on his desk next to me, while I was doing his homework.

Yes, I was doing Peter Parker's homework.

It's part of the deal where I get to sleep on Peter's bed when I'm at his, if I do his homework.

"Hey, guess what" I grin.


"There's this party tonight"

"What about it?"

I roll my eyes. "I was invited dipshit" I whisper yell.

"Good for you"

"And you're going with me"

Peter stops his writing and turns to face me. "As much as I trust your taste, please tell me you're joking"

I shake my head in frustration "Why would I joke about this?"

"Now that's where you're wrong"

"I'm always right" I shrug.

"I've never been to a party before"

"Everything has a first time"

"Not in this case" he shrugs. "But just - uh - take care, okay?"

"You're going with me"

"You're the most stubborn person I've ever met in my entire life"

"You'll miss me if I go alone to the party"

"I'll sure miss the urge to punch you"

"Well, this counts as something" I sneer. "Oh come on. It'll be fun"

"A party hosted by the Thompsons? Probably anything but fun, Irene"

"Wait. The Flash Thompson?" I question, and Peter nods. "Holy -"

Our convo was cut out by the teacher.

"Miss Haven, are you sure you're in the correct class?" she questions, checking out her attendance papers.

"Yes ma'am" I assure, politely.

"Then how important could your convo with Mr Parker be that you're interrupting my class?" she asks with a forced smile. "We would be happy for you to share what you were saying"

"I was whispering for a reason" I mumble to Peter, earning a quiet chuckle from him.

Ah, I might have missed this.

"Your attitude is asking for detention, Miss Haven" she snarls, anger taking over.

"Peace out loser" I sneer as I get out from next to Peter, making my way to leave.

"Oh by the way - " I whisper something in her ear, causing her face to turn bloody red.

She was now boiling with anger.

"Peter Parker. How about you join your freind for detention?" the teacher demands, calmly.

Peter opens his mouth to say something, but then closes it and nods, following me, who indeed had the biggest smirk, outside.

I skip my way to the end of the hallway with Peter whisper yelling from behind.

"What have you done?" he groans as he sprints to my side. "I swear if Aunt May knows, you won't be welcome at my house anymore"

"Don't worry drama queen. The teacher will forget anything ever happend after she steps out of the door"

"No she won't"

"Magic, dumbass"

"Oh, right" he huffs, embarrassed. "I really wanna punch you for that though"

"Or you wanna kiss me"

Peter turns to face me, making me focus on our visible height difference. But his eyes ; It's in the eyes. It's always in the eyes.

"You're pissing me off, Irene Stacy" the brunette asserts, closing in the distance between us.

I am now standing at loss of words. "You're, uh, um, really close right now" I stammer, avoiding his eyes by shifting my glances to the floor.

"And you're really red right now" Peter grins, his fingers tracing my free arm, sending chills down my spine.

His eyes fall upon my lips, a nervous exhale leaving my mouth. I bite my lip and back away, clearing my throat.

"Aw, you're such a softie" Peter teases as he pokes my nose, causing me to move away.

"How about you shut up" I suggest with an innocent smile. "Let's just go"

"Sure" he replies, before I was carried on Peter's back with my face facing the ground.

"Peter!" I exclaim, kicking him forcefully. "Put me down! Put me down! You stupid, low, worthless piece of -"

"So little Miss Sunshine can get angry too" Peter teases, mischief in his words. "That's new"

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