day 2:

29 1 0

Waking up on the island for the first time , I felt empty , alone yet surrounded by people , I had came too remember what had happened a few hours before too see she was still gone , " hey , dude rise and shine were hell " dot said too Fatin " Fatin " she said nudging her awake , " what the.. , what the fuck I was sleeping " she complaind , " yeah , well I thought you were dead , dick " she said as Fatin went too go back too sleep , "
" Seven.. eight " Shelby mumbled , " people were missing a person " Shelby said " Leah " Rachel said as Leah walked up too camp, " it's Jennettes " she said ,


" It was in her pocket , I heard it ringing but it didn't seem real. " Leah said , " not that anything does anymore.. so I followed the sound and I,um.." you frisked a dead body " dot said , Leah nodded , " but then when I finally dug it out of her pocket.." " i-it died it my hands " she said , " the weirdest part is this is her second phone the other one we lost in the water but this.. this is a entirely different one , " she said , " one that worked and one that she chose not too tell us about " she continued " isn't that like vaguely messed up about that ?  Not even vaguely deeply." She added , " let me see it " Fatin said , " it is kinda a sketchy phone " Fatin added , " so what exactly are we trying too say here " Shelby said , " I don't know " Leah and Fatin said ,  " I'm just wondering if maybe the simplest explanation might be the right one , so she had two phones it's not that crazy , and she'd been knocked around so bad she probably just forgot, "Shelby said " Jennette wasn't Just in shock she was..she was dying " I added , Rachel spit on her grave , " fuck..sorry " she breathed ,  " but like fuck her if she forgot  that could have been out only way out " she added , " okay " she breathed again ,  " but why didn't you wake us up " she continued ,  " I don't know " Leah said , " you.. you don't know ? " She said  " you hear a phone and instead of waking us up you sit their and you contemplate what's fucking real and what's not " she said , " so by the time you get too the phone.." she said being cut off , " Rachel it was confusing " Leah said , " I'm not confused at all " she raised her voice , " you could have found it before it died , but you didn't , did you? " She added , " no " she said , " cool " she said storming off , " she's just afraid , you did everything you could " Nora assured Leah , " no shes right..I fucked up " Leah said,


" Hey " I said walking up too Rachel " "are you like okay it got pretty heated out their " I said , " yeah I'm fine I'm over it " she said , " what are you doing with that " I asked , " trying too get it too inflate haven't had any luck " she complaind, " wait are you still swimming out too the wreckage " I asked " yeah , theirs shit we need out their it we can find it , radio , flares " she said , " you're still in right " she asked , " Rachel , the waters insane " I said , " you see those waves out their how their breaking sideways? Thats a fucking riptide " I said , " did my sister ask you too talk me down ? " She questioned , " no , why " I said " for the record I don't wanna sit around either " I said , " then what do you wanna do " she asked , I looked over at the very top of the hill ,


" Were taking a walk " I said " and you're coming with us Texas , you've already been out their so you can lead the way " Rachel said , " lead the way too what now " Shelby asked , " that " Rachel said looking up too the top, " we gotta know what this place is like the full view of it " I said , " theirs no way we're alone out here " I added , " you know I'd be all in but Martha.." Shelby said being cut off " it's fine you should go " Toni cut her off , " well..looks like I'm a yes so I'll ju.." she said going too take water too Martha, " hey , um take this tilt it up some , get it all the way up their It'll make for a pretty good signal " dot said holding a makeup mirror , "  probably even better then a big ass help sign " she added , " that could really work ? " Rachel asked , " yeah ,well it did on face the wild with bear Grylls " dot said , " okay " she said as we started too walk , " hey Rach.. " Nora said

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