day 1:

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I woke up , the sun blared into my eyes , sand in my hair , mouth I took a look at my surroundings , the ocean , the sand , the other girls , their was , Rachel and Nora the twins , dot and Fatin , and Toni who seemed too be missing her other half , I couldn't believe what was happening stranded on some island straight out of a fucking movie , I stood up as quick as I could which wasn't very , and felt something, I felt sick , nauseous , I quickly hurled up a mixture of flem , and blood , I stared out into the ocean I saw something or someone


It was the girl I sat with on the plane Leah her name was I got a closer look too see she was carrying someone Jennette. , " Helppp " Leah screeched , " hey we see you !! , Dot said , " HEY!! , HEY!! , HEY!! , she continued, " I got her " dot said as she started too carrie Jennette out too shore , " is their anybody else out their ? did you see anybody? " , Toni asked as I went too help dot Carrie Jennette , Toni paused , " Martha !! " Toni said as she sprinted over too Martha and Shelby , me and dot finsihed carrying Jennette out too shore ,


" She's not breathing " dot said attempting too do compressions , " I think ur going too fast " I worried , " yeah ur pumping like double time " Rachel said ," theirs no such thing as too fast only two slow " dot said continuing , " actually compressions can be too fast if their not deep enough " Nora commented , " dude slow down " Rachel said , " ease up Dottie ur going way too fast " Shelby said , " okay hell , if you're all such experts somebody else tap in , dot said " okay yeah that just have too go.. " Nora got cut off, " who knows CPR ? " Dot said , I raise my hand as I look around surprised too see everyone with their hand up , I quickly push dot out of the way taking over , I started too perform CPR , " what if it doesn't work " dot panicked , I continued as I hear something it was Jennette gasping for air ,


" Hey does anyone have a phone " Rachel asks , " don't you think we would have said something if we did " Toni replied , " not even sure how many bars we'd get out here " dot implied , " I'm just tryna think of lifelines , alright? " their gonna find us but we can't be stupid " Rachel continued , " we should make a big ass help sign , like in that movie 28 days later " dot said , " what do you think happened too the flight attendant guy " Martha asked , " we should be looking thru suitcases finding phones , we can't just .. " Rachel said being cut off , " Listen , Listen , Listen y'all it's the 21st century , okay they will find us but in the meantime we gotta keep track of our recourses " ," Shelby cuts In , " eight cokes. Right now that's all we gotta drink just eight of these okay , but don't worry cause if god brought us too it , god will bring us through it " Shelby said , I scoffed , " you know the whole "Jesus saves " thing isn't , like literal. He's not gonna jetpack down here and pull us out of here " Toni said , " no Toni okay the Lord saves those who saves themselves , which is why I'm gonna take a look in the woods see is theirs some fresh water. " Shelby continued , " maybe you should come with " Shelby said referring too Toni , " hard pass " Toni said , " Shelby here , if you're really going you gotta take these " Martha said passing Shelby her sandles , " you are so generous " shelby smiled , " you know what maybe I will go make sure Christ doesn't lead you're ass into a fucking sink hole " Toni said , " guys !! " Dot said after finding a phone in her pocket , " what the hell dot " I raised my voice , " I'm sorry , look I was saving her ass , okay " she said pointing too Jennette " it got real wet , you honestly think sand will dry it out ? " I read a article on the internet about alternatives to rice in a bag sand was mentioned " Nora said as dot rolled her eyes, " yeah well good enough for me " dot burrying the phone sticking a stick on-top


It didn't happen consciously , but I was finally starting too notice the others , like Martha , how every creature meant something too her , or nora , how she always knew when you were looking at her and how here smile could mean a million things , I look around too see Jennette sitting by herself , I walked over too her " hey " I said sitting down , " oh hey " she smiled , " you feeling alright? " I asked , " yeah just a little shooken up I guess " she said , " hey , were gonna get out of here everything's gonna be okay " I reassured her , " come on let's go " I smiled putting my hand out , " thanks " she said taking my hand,

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