:) Chapter one

420 13 17

Oct, 20, 2010
First entry.

I was sitting close to the Rv, Carl was beside me. I was holding a couple flowers that we both picked from this patch of flowers by the lake. They were daisies.

I was in the process of showing carl how to make flower crowns. Just like my dad did for me.

Then the radio went off, "Hello? Hello? Can anybody hear my voice?"

We both stopped what we were doing as we watched amy rush over and grab onto the radio.

"Hey? Hello?"

Carl moved his fingers away from my fingers just to grab my hands, I slightly give his hands a squeeze. In response he just rubbed his thumb across my knuckles, I realized that he did this alot when he was nervous.

"Can you hear my voice?"

"Yes, I can hear you. You're coming through. Over."

I looked down at my lap where the daisies were, I moved one of my hands out of Carls hand and grabbed a daisy a just looked at it and held it, Something about flowers always just helped me calm down.

"Anybody who reads, please respond. Broadcasting on emergency channel. We'll be approaching Atlanta on Highway 85. Anybody reads, please respond."

"We're just outside the city. Damnit. Hello? Hello? He couldn't hear me. I couldn't warn him."

So you mean to tell me this whole time Amy was just talking to herself? I lightly put the daisy back with others, I guess carl saw this as a moment of weakness and he snatched my hand right back into his grip, Why did he need both of my hands, Im not sure.

"Try to raise him again. Come on, son"Dale said "You know best how to work this thing"

Shane walks over to the radio, "Hello, hello, is the person who calls still on the air? This is officer Shane Walsh, broadcasting a person unknown, please respond. He's gone."

Lori -Carls mom- Walks towards Shane, "There are others. It's not just us."

Shane nodded, "Yeah, We knew there would be, right, that's why we let the CB on."

Lori looked around for a couple of seconds till her eyes were on me and carl and she smiled, She turned back to shane,

"Lots of good it's been doing. And I've been saying for a week, we ought to put signs up on 85 to warn people away from the city."

Amy looked up and nodded,
"Folks got no idea what they're getting into."

Shane on the hand shook his head, "We don't have enough time."

Lori who painfully disagreed with shane just wouldn't let this stranger who talked through the radio go,

"I think we need to make time."

"Yeah, that, uh..." Shane took a moment to collect his thoughts. "That's a luxury we can't afford. We are surviving here. We are day to day. "

I guess dale wanted to be apart of the conversation, "And who the hell would you propose to send?"

"I'll go. Give me a vehicle."

Carl stopped everything he was doing.

"Nobody goes anywhere alone, you know that."

Lori rolled her eyes, "Yes, sir."

Lori walks away and carl gets up to follow her, I stayed there and watched the daisies that were in his lap falling to the ground.

Shane grabs his shoulder, "Hey, hey, hey, You can stay here with Milo. You're alright, go on, you're alright."

Carl turns around and comes back to sit next to me. "Sorry about squashing the flowers."

"They were daisies, Its fine." I looked up at him with a smile. "You just won't get a crown."

His mouth hangs open, "What?"

"No flowers, no crown."

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