•3: After party•

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A full 25 minute drive from MacD's, and we finally came to a stop. Hannah jumped out of the car almost immediately and ran up to their house door. But of course she didn't have a key to the house so she waited patiently for my aunt to take her time to come open the door for her.

"Hannah, are you okay?" My aunt asked her as she walked up to the door to unlock it.

"Yes, yes. I just have to go to the bathroom like really bad" Hannah replies and my aunt takes extra long to open the door. "Yes!" Hannah says in a determined voice as the door opens.

All that you could hear now was the birds chirping and the obnoxious running footsteps from Hannah in the house.

"So Alex, I heard your going to a party tonight?" I asked in a obvious tone. While we both walked into the house.

"Yeah" he says directly to me, shutting the door with his foot.

"I was wondering if I could come with you?" I asked.

"Absolutely not" he answers without hesitation.

"Whyyyyy?" I asked but he just ignored me.

I asked about 3 times more but he still just ignored me and went to his bedroom and eventually I got bored so I went to go see where Hannah is. But before I could find her my aunt found me.

"My sweetheart, are you looking for your room?" She asked but before I could answer she answered for me and then we were of to go find my room.

"I didn't know how to decorate your room, so I eventually just gave up and put white duvet covers on for you and a pot plant on your desk, I hope you will like it" My aunt says to me.

"I'm sure it will look great Alice" I replied with a smile.

We entered my room and it was really gorgeous, it had white walls, one big window and like my aunt said, a pot plant and a bed with a white duvet cover. It was plane but I really loved it, it suited my personality very well.

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After unpacking all my clothes and toiletries, I eventually could just lay down and enjoy this comfy queen sized bed that was waiting for me. I was almost asleep when I heard voices talking behind my door.

I could hear it was Alex talking but there was another young male voice that was responding. After a few seconds of listening, I finally opened the door to see that it was Carter. The one and only Carter.

"Hey, so are you coming tonight? He asked me.

"Umm, I don't kn-" I tried answering.

"No, she's not coming" Alex interrupted my sentence.

"Why man?"he pleads. "She is really going to enjoy it" he says to him while sending a wink to me.

"Because she's to young" Alex says but I could tell there was more to his reason that what he just said.

"I'm a year younger than you" I stated facts.

"And I'm a year older, so I make the rules" he said while walking in his room and closing the door shut.
Leaving me and Carter alone in the hallway.

"So I guess I'll see you later tonight" Carter says.

"Yeah, wait what?" I answer confusingly.

"Oh didn't Alex tell you?" He says.

"No?" I asked confusingly.

"Me and the boys are going to sleep at Alex's tonight, so you better be awake so that I can see you" he says, kind of giving this twist in my stomach because of butterflies.

"Yeah sure, whatever you say Carter" I say while going into my room and closing the door, leaving him now all alone.

It's been hours now and the boys haven't being back, I am really starting to get worried.

Gosh I sound like a mom.

What I meant to say was that, I really want the boys back to cure my boredom,

Hannah went out to a sleepover, Alice was out on a date and well Alex went to a party and then there was me who stayed at home binge watching The Vampire Dairies and eating all of the popcorn I could find in the house.

It was now 1 am in the morning when I got a text from Alice saying that she will be staying over at her dates house and then I knew that I was going to be alone for another while.
But the universe once again proved me wrong when I heard the door knob twitch and open to reveal the boys that finally had return. There where about 5 of them coming through the door.

" There's Alex, a blondie, Carter, a brunette guy and a, wait, a black haired guy. Oh check it out it's that mysterious guy I made eye contact with." I basically talked to myself in my head.

I saw that they all were kind of drunk and needed some help to Alex's room so I took my popcorn that I made and waved it in front of their noses and hoped that they will follow the scent. Alex, the brunette and blonde guy followed the scent but the other two just flopped on two of the three couches and watched the remaining few minutes of the vampire diaries episode I was watching.

After I guess the episode ended, I heard Carter calling for me to come to the living room. As I did so I saw him laying on the couch with his arms and legs stretched out.

"Come sit here, baby" he said to me.

"Carter, your drunk" I said moving a bit closer to him.

"Thanks for stating the obvious" He said sarcastically, making me throw a little smile at him.

He then grabbed my arm tightly and pulled me so that I could lay on the couch with him. I did feel a little overwhelmed by that sudden action but on the other hand, he was a nice guy so I didn't mind.

As I was just laying there for about 5 minutes I could tell that he was already asleep because his grip on me loosened up a little. So I stood up and went to go make myself ready for bed.


Hey guys, so let me know how you guys liked this chapter :)

I am not to proud of this chapter but I'll try my best on the next one.


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