•1: U have changed•

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"Don't get in trouble" They said.

Well in my defence, I did nothing wrong.
I was just a middle class girl who fell into the wrong type of crowd, you know the type where they smoke weed behind a church and get caught, yeah... so that happened and that's why I am currently sitting on a plane on my way to LA to go stay with my Aunt and Cousins.

I was born and mostly grew up in Chicago but me and my mom decided to have a fresh start in Texas after my dad had past away in an car accident when I was 11.

My life was going great until I turned 14 and went to high school. There were only two types of friend groups in high school, and they were, 'the party group', or 'I'm a nerd group' and well I was more the type of girl that fitted in the 'I'm to cool for nerds but too smart to be partying' group. But every where I went, I just didn't seem to fit in.
So the next year was pretty sad and lonely but one day in grade 9 I met this girl named Lexi.

She was new in the school and she looked nice so I made friends with her. Lexi and I basically looked the same, we were both blonde and had blue eyes but where she was tall and had a model body, I was stuck being short and petite.
We were the best of friends until one day she got a boyfriend.

Her boyfriend's name was Kyle and Kyle was part of the party group. He was quite popular and he was very attractive, he was tall and had light brunette hair with hazel eyes.

Kyle had once invited us to go smoke weed with his friends at a skatepark and eat pizza at his house afterwards and well that's where all my troubles began.

That routine kinda stuck with us and we were now called the Stoner of Texas but one day, as you guessed, we were smoking pot behind a church and we got caught. We were taken into custody and our parents got called.
When my mom arrived, the first thing she said was
"Your staying with your aunt now"
And that's why I am on my way to LA right now.

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My flight went smooth and I fell asleep several times but as soon as the pilot said that we finally reached the destination my heart sunk and I couldn't help to miss Texas.

I never wanted to leave Texas, mostly because of my friends and Mom but did I have a choice, no.

"Neveah!" My cousin, Hannah said out of breath, like she just ran a marathon.
"Wait, where the hell is Neveah" Hannah said while looking around.

"I'm here" I said, standing right in front of them.

"Oh my gosh! Is that really you?!" she implied with an almost shocked face.

"Yeah?" I said confused.

"Wow, it's just that you look so much different" she said. I mean, she is right because the last time they saw me was even before my Dad died, I was 10 and back then I was very bubbly and energetic, funny and a bit chubby. But now I am quite the opposite.

I got skinny as the years went by and by the time I was 13, everybody told me to go eat a burger and some people even thought I was anorexic. I got pretty insecure about my body so I only wore baggy clothes from that time on. Now I'm 17 and my style really hasn't changed ever since.

"Yeah, it has been about 7 years you guys have seen me last, so it is a surprise to see how you guys have changed too" I replied to her. "Oh and, hallo to you too, Alex" I said to my older cousin, while he just nod his head in return.

Hannah and I were the same age and Alex was just 1 year older than us.
Alex was basically just the boy version of Hannah, they both had dirty blonde coloured hair with this ocean green eyes. But not gonna lie, Alex definitely took care of himself, he was tall and you could see he was well built.

"Okay, okay. We can talk at home guys" My aunt, Alice said with a smile on her face.


Hey guys, it's the author here.
I hope u guys enjoyed this first chapter, I'm quite new to all of this writing stuff so don't judge me if there's a few mistakes.

Feel free to comment if there's a spelling error or just if you want to put your opinion in for the story.

Oh and I swear the story is going to get interesting soon this was just kind of an introduction of what Neveah has gotten herself into and some of the troubles she had in her past.

Have a good time reading and I hope u enjoy the story :)


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