Why do you care? (Series)[3]

355 13 53

!Tw! Homophobia

The tension that was still strung in the air didn't help, and as Wither and Skeleton parted, Wither smirked at Sheril, who was glaring at them angrily.
They knew that Sheril didn't support, and they didn't think Friar and Gally did either.
That was until, Gally started clapping, soon followed by Yin.
Friar, on the other hand, looked pissed. He went over to Gally and hit her, a hard slap that shocked them all to silence.
In only a matter of hours, this family had gone from loving to broken, they had all fallen apart.
Tears sprang to Gally's eyes as she lifted a hand to the mark on her face.

"What the fuck, Gally?! You actually support this shit?!"

It was Gally's turn to retaliate then, sick of her brother's sudden attitude towards the two other boys.

"Why are you so against homosexual people/mobs?!"

"Because they're stopping the population from reproduction, them gay fags!"

Skeleton, Wither, Yin, and Gally all fell silent, while Sheril was smiling proudly like the absolute bastard that she was.
Skeleton felt extreme hatred towards his brother in that moment, one that he'd never felt towards him before.
He was about to step in and say something as tears were now pouring down Gally's face. But turns out he didn't need to.

"I'm actually SICK of you! You know, I thought you were the best brother in the world, but clearly I was fucking WRONG! I thought that you supported me, so I'm going to tell you what I was going to tell you before; I'm a lesbian!"

After this long outburst of a speech, Gally shrunk back down, creeping closer to Yin and the others.
Sheril yelled at all of them, before they just walked out, ignoring her threats.

"Shit... my stuff!"

Gally said, after they had been walking for almost ten minutes. Wither just shrugged as she was about to turn back.
Summoning her stuff in a manageable bag, he gave it to her as Yin looked at him in surprise.

"H-how did you do that?"

"Uh, just some of my abilities. No big deal."

They started walking again, with Wither summoning bags of sweets for them all.
It was a while before Skeleton piped up.

"Hey, I thought we were going to my house? This is the way to Zombie's— ohhhhh!"

"You get it now lmao."

They just kept walking, getting closer to Zombie's house. Skeleton was beginning to getting more tired. This was when he remembered something.

"Wither, you absolute bitch. You could have just teleported us!"

"I could have. But I wanted you to ask me first."

Wither grinned, silently laughing at Skeleton's stupidity.
Gally's eyes widened, as she herself smiled.

"You can teleport?! Like an Enderman?!"

"Yeah... I used to be a mage..."

This is when Skeleton was surprised, Wither had never told him that he was a mage.
Wither grabbed Skeleton and Yiu's arms (she held on to Gally), and teleported them to the front of Zombie's house.
Knocking on the door, Zombie opens the door, yawning slightly. His eyes widen once he sees who it is.

"Yin?! What are you doing with Wither, Skel, and Gally?"

"We'll tell you inside. Can we come in? It's almost dawn..."

Zombie ushered them in, leaving Wither till last as he was immune to sunlight.
Yin and Gally took turns on explaining what happened, while Zombie listen quite intently.

"But that doesn't explain why Wither and Skeleton were there."

"Skeleton's my brother and Wither's his boyfriend."

Zombie didn't seem surprised, telling them that he could see the hints from a mile away. He was surprised, however, about him being their brother.
Wither just groaned at his attempt to annoy them, it was obviously working.

"Wait, Zombie? How do you know my sister?"

"So I was in the park, around midnight, I guess, and there were these two players. I got my diamond sword out, course, but they didn't seem to notice me. So I was like 'that's odd' and I go closer. They were attacking this skeleton instead, Yin, so I take them by surprise and helped her kill them. We stayed friends after this, and eventually- uh- screwed-"

Skeleton just laughed at his attempt to explain, as did Wither.
Yin turned red, and Gally smiled slightly.

"We were going to invite you to our wedding in a couple days, actually, it was going to be a surprise... but now... you kinda found out."

Wither stood up and helped Zombie up as well, pulling him into a hug. He was taken aback at first, but threw his arms around Wither as well.

"Were you planning on telling the others?"


And that is part three completed!
As always, stay safe and remember to eat/drink!


Wither x Skeleton (one-shots kind of) [Discontinued for now]Where stories live. Discover now