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L I N A ' S  P O V

It was all kind of a blur. I woke up sleeping on Bene's chest and at first, I couldn't understand why I was there or where I even was. It took me a second to realise and the events from last night came like a slap. My dad was back and now I've put this burden on Bene and Jacob. They will need to hold this information to themselves, it's going to kill them. It almost killed me. Only Jo knows about this and now here I was, laying on Bene's chest realising that I've told him and his best friend that I've been living under a hidden identity because my dad will kill me if he gets the chance.

I could feel Bene's chest rise and lower as he breathed. He was still asleep, holding me tightly. I wiggled out of his grip and sat up. I felt my head ache. The stress from yesterday was physically punishing me. I walked out to the backyard and looked out on the moonlit sky. it was still late at night. I had probably just been sleeping for two or three hours. The stars aligned with each other and I felt a cold breeze brush over my shoulders. The night felt clear and calm. It was a good time to just think and just exist.

"Couldn't sleep?" I heard Jacob ask and I turned around and saw him leaning onto the doorway.

"Yeah." That was all I said and looked back up at the sky.

"You know that everything you've told us will stay between us." He reassured me as he walked up next to me.

"Yeah, I know." I said with a small smile.

"He really likes you, you know." He said, looking up at the sky as well.

"I know." I mumbled.

"He was so confused when you ditched him. He is really into you. I haven't seen him like this before." He said and I smiled lightly.

"Really?" I asked and he nodded.

"He questioned everything when he came back home. He really wanted to make everything work. He can't stop talking about you and he has never been this protective over someone before." He said.

"I hate to see him heartbroken." He added and then looked at me for reassurance.

"I won't break his heart." I reassured.

"You will give this a chance then?" He asked and I sighed.

"I have a lot on my plate Jacob and I have no idea how Bene is going to fit into that plate. But if he can handle all this shit and can handle me and my problems and my big ass plate, then yeah, I am willing to give this an honest chance. I like him, a lot. He makes me laugh. But I can't have another thing that brings me down." I said.

"He won't, he is what you need and you are what he needs." He said and we heard someone clear their throat. We looked back and saw Bene stand behind us.

"How long have you been awake?" I asked and he smiled lightly and Jacob took it as a queue to leave.

"Not too long." Bene said and hugged me from behind. I could feel his warm breath on my neck and I felt my body relax in his arms. It's the first time in a long while that I've felt safe and secure.

"How are you feeling?" He asked and hugged me tighter.

"I'm fine." I said with a slight smile.

"You want to know something?" He asked and turned me around so I faced him.

"What?" I asked.

"There is nothing that you could say or do that would scare me away." He said and my heart felt warm and whole. He placed his hands on my jaw and looked me in the eyes.

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