Alice and the Aliens- 3

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"Well, isn't this a surprise?" Alice said. She was standing at the door way of the unregistered ship. In the ship, two figures were lying on the floor unconscious. One was a human, one was a Xandarian. Three other aliens were standing above them.

They were octopus-like creatures, with ten tentacles. They were standing upright on two of them and the other tentacles were spread behind them like a peacock's feathers. 

Alice tried to look up information on them, but her connection was disabled. But, you can take the google from a girl, not her brain. And Alice, has always had a sharp brain.

She distinctly recognised these species. They were the only known aliens with history almost as violent as humans. They had tyrannised three galaxies for centuries before members of their own race had put up an internal resistance and a peace treaty was signed after a bloody civil war.

Unlike humans, their insides were completely filled with just air and what translate loosely into blood in English. Their vital organ is their skin, which performed all the bodily functions with diffusion and wave like movement.

Since most alien weapons harm the inside of a person with electromagnetic waves, alien weapons are useless on them hence, making them practically undeafeatable.

Unfortunately for them, human weapons are all about the skin. One dagger in their body and they dead as bricks. But they also had very low survivability. A little paper cut in their skin would result in instant death. 

And Alice, despite being defense head, didn't kill.

But there was no way she could defeat them without killing them, especially since two of them had their tentacles wrapped around the human and the Xandarian. 

Their squeeze could be deathly for the Xandarian and at least mildly painful for the the human.

Za's warning many years ago rang in his head, "Your insistence of not killing the enemy, your morality,  is some day going to end up killing you and the innocent."

Well, knives are always the backup plans.

"Oooh, did they send a human? Do you expect us to cower in fear?" Thank goodness, language translators didn't work on electromagnetic waves. 

I wouldn't mind if you did." Alice said, examining her nails.

The middle alien, the one who was holding the Nefron in on of his tentacles, said, "Honestly, humans are so overrated. Indestructible, my butt. This one was no biggie..." he nudged the human with his foot.

He grimaced, but stayed put. 

Wait a minute. 

Unconscious people don't feel external pain. What the...?

She asked, looking apparently alarmed, "What did you give to them?"

The middle guy, the leader, smirked, "Ethanol. But don't worry, it's really dilute. They may live." 


They ejected dilute alcohol in a human and expected him to be fatal injured? Alice was internally laughing. Humans drank that stuff strong!

Alice widened her eyes externally, "Oh my God...that's so dangerous. Please, they need medical help."

The middle one drawled, "Well, give me the neutraliser, I know you have it somewhere on you, and I'll leave them." 

 Random facts of information floated in her mind. 

Humans are the only species that could projectile stuff. Aliens took years to come up with the concept of throwing stuff, and even then, they can't do it accurately. The aliens with underestimate her accuracy in throwing by a lot, especially since she was marginally better than most humans too.

What hurts the skin without rupturing it? Bruising! 

Slang terms do not translate in alien languages.

"How about no?" Alice asked.

"No?" The alien asked befuddled.

Alice said in a singing voice, "Hey boi, yeet that arse hard, bro?"

After that, things happened with surprising speed. The 'bro' got the message and punched the alien next to him hard. The alien folded down in pain. 

Alice had taken off her shoe in the meantime and threw it straight at the alien on the left, and yelled, "Yeet."

The leader alien didn't have a moment to process what the hell was happening before he was being assaulted by three shoes and two teenagers yelling, "YEET!"

"Stay away and take the Xandarian away too." She said. The human dragged away the Xandarian and Alice swiftly went to the Nefron that had rolled out of the alien's hand. 

She disabled it and put it in the neutralizer. She took out her alien guns and drugged all three aliens.

"Hey man, the guys are down. You can wake up now." The human said to the Xandarian. 


Alcohol is highly lethal to aliens. "Keerna-Za, send in a squad. Prepare medical beds for aqua vitae poisoning."

Moments later, Za walked in with an armed squad behind him, "Human-Alice," He asked, looking at the aliens unconscious on the floor.

Alice explained what happened, getting a little hysterical at the 'yeet' part. "I have a call to make, can you handle the rest?"

"Yes, ma'am." 


Mary and Katherine had decided to camp at Katherine's house with their parents like they did every Christmas. But unlike every Christmas, a thick worry hung on all of them. 

Mary's phone rang out in the silent (expect for soft carols) house. She fumbled for a her phone. 

"It's Alice." She whispered, with a quiver in her voice.

"Put it on speaker." Katherine said, everyone now giving rapt attention, the dizzy atmosphere vanishing.

"Hey Mary! Kat's there?" Her cheerful voice came from the other side of the phone. One of the worst thing about Alice is that they could never tell if she is faking cheerfulness or actually being cheerful. She always seems genuinely happy. 

"Yeah, all of us are there. Phone's on speaker." Mary said,  a faint quiver running in her voice.

"Oh. Hey everybody! Merry Christmas. And don't cry Mary. I'm sorry I had to miss Christmas. I'll be there for Christmas next year." 

"She's not crying because you missed Christmas, you idiot!" Katherine snapped, "Are you okay?" She asked in a softer voice.

"I'm great. Just have to fill out some paperwork and stuff now. I told you I ain't dying so soon didn't I?"

"What had happened?" Mary's dad asked.

"I'll tell you when I come back in top-three days. It was yeet-worthy. Bye guys, I think the Xandarian is gaining consciousness." 

She clicked the phone off with that confusing line. 

"Just a day in the life of Alice Watson, I suppose. Merry Christmas!" Jennifer said.

"Merry Christmas!" They all chorused.


Author's note:

I hope you enjoyed it.

I dedicate this to all the heroes of war out there who have to work on Christmas and to those kids just like Alice whose parents never came back home from war.

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