The Antidote

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"You went outside the dome?" my brother asks angrily.

We were able to keep Sidonie and Wyler's injuries, and more importantly, the source of their injuries, a secret from the citizens of the city, but our debacle outside the dome, brought unwanted attention.

"You deliberately broke the one law put in place for your safety." His eyes wander across the perpetrators: Vega, Coven and I stand side-by-side as my brother paces back and forth, fuming.

"It's my fault," I reply, stepping forward. What happened is my responsibility. I won't let the others take the fall. It was my plan.

"What were you thinking?" Aero turns to me. The disappointment in his voice is evident.

"I was thinking it was our only way to save the remainder of humanity," I reply, irritated by his tone.

"What do you know of saving humanity?"

"I know I'm willing to take the risk that you can't, or won't." It's the first time I've ever stood up to my brother, the first time I've ever had too. He's never been mad at me before, trivial sister/brother things of course, but nothing like this.

"You cracked the dome!" his voice rises. "You risked everyone's lives with your actions. How were those things even there? We haven't seen one in months? How are they still alive and on our side of the wall?"

"We don't know," Vega steps forward. "We've sent men to retrieve the girl's body and the dead creature and to search for weaknesses in the wall."

I close my eyes thinking of Cerelia's mutilated body. The image torments me and I have to stop myself from getting emotional.

"And the live creature?" he asks in irritation.

"The men are prepared and heavily armed. They'll be fine. Hopefully we can learn something from the bodies."

"Oh, we've learned something," Aero replies snarkily, turning his anger towards Vega. "We've learned you can't be trusted. You went behind my back."

"A necessity for mankind," Vega stands her ground, unfazed by his tirade.

"A Mod is dead and two more are in critical condition. You better pray they live."

I haven't seen Wyler or Sidonie since we returned. The last words I said to Wyler were dismissive and cruel. That can't be the last thing I say to him. My mind goes to a dark place and I have to shake the images from my brain.

"Perhaps if you had listened then this could have been avoided," Vega antagonizes.

"Listening and agreeing are two separate things. You've pushed your rank. There will be consequences. For both of you." He looks at Vega and I, inhaling deeply, trying to calm himself before blowing up at us again. "I need to speak to my sister...alone," he demands, dismissing Coven and Vega. Coven looks at me with concern. I nod, letting him know it will be okay, and giving him permission to leave. Vega hesitates for a moment, not used to being left on the outside, then marches angrily out of the room.

"Let's take a walk," Aero says.

I follow quietly behind him. He never turns to check to see if I'm still there. He knows I'd follow him anywhere, do whatever he asks. At least the old me would have. I'm not so sure I'd follow him blindly anymore.

He leads me to the center of the Environettix headquarters. The space in the middle of the building is hollowed out, and within it, lies a beautiful garden. Trees stretch towards the sky, flowers bloom: a place of peace in this hell. He's brought me here to tell me something, he doesn't want them to hear. He stops and turns to face me.

From Darkness Comes - Book 2 in The Dissonance SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now