Chapter 5

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POV: Cairo

Today is Sunday which means that I start school tommorow with Cruz and Cain.

During the weekend I spent time with all of my brothers.

They all had such diffrent personalities. I even spent time with Valentino.

First we have Apollo, he's a very quite, and observe type of person, who only speaks when needed.

But don't let that fool you, he has a very dark, murderer vibe going on and will easily intimidate you with just one look.

Other than that we get along pretty good. Our time spent together was mostly in silence, but it wasn't in any way uncomfortable. We exchanged very few words but it was in my opinion something that brought is close.

Ares thought me how to bake. Well it was mostly him doing all the baking and me just sitting behind the counter observing him as he was busy making all sorts of things and eating almost everything. Scratch that I did eat everything, even after he told me to save some for the others.

But other than that Ares is a mix of many things: playfulness, goofiness, he can sometimes be serious when he needed to be, but he was overall a very happy ball of sunshine. To be honest I still question the fact that maybe he might be on crack cause you can't always be this happy for no reason.

It was also just me enjoying making fun of him. He's so easy to tease.

Amir was more of the laid back one. We spent most of our time in the teater room binge watching movies and getting me up to date on things happening on social media. But it was also just mostly spent on us lazing around.

Armani is the more caring brother. He serves as a great conversation partner whenever you need one.

He took me to the garden which was gorgeous, it was filled with different kinds of flowers which was just breathtaking.

We had a little picnic where we just talked about random things. He mostly kept the conversation flowing since I don't like to talk much. He didn't really have a problem with that.

Cain and Cruz just gave me a tour of the house, 30 minutes in I kept falling asleep cause everything were so far apart that they had to drag me around.

Afterwords they showed me how to play videogames. But I think they regret that now since I beat both of them in COD. They kept going on about how I cheated, in my opinion they're just sore losers.

For some unknown reason Valentino just made sit in his office with him, he would just hand me paperwork to look at while he was signing the rest of them. It somehow kept me entertained, but after a while I got bored and couldn't keep my eyes from closing.

And finally Ace.

He hasn't talked to me since the day we got home from the mall.

Honestly I don't know why he hated me so damn much cause I didn't do anything to him.


I'm currently in my bedroom laying face down on the fluffy rugged floor, letting out a loud groan.

Like I said before, I start school tommorow. Which means I have to be around people.

"School itself is shit, but highschool takes the fucking cake." Cain's words not mine. Since I've never been in a highschool before, I don't know what to expect.

But from the many books I've read in the library of St' Charles, according to Highschool Experiences: The Good and The Bad : you'll meet the following people: jocks, bullies, nerds, goths/emos and outcasts.
1) Jocks aren't always bullies, but some of them can be real jerks.
2) Goths are basically emo nerds.
3) Emos aren't as 'emo' as the ones on TV, but they are just more emotional than the average person, and while some can be really annoying sometimes, some are actually pretty cool.
4) Outcasts are just people who don't really fit in with any group.
5) Losers are generally the popular people you dislike and you feel won't do anything meaningful in their lives.

The following things may happen:
1) you'll meet new friends, lose old ones
2) you'll notice someone you like, go out with someone, you'll break up.
3) you MAY be slapped or punched or slapped.
4) might realise your gay or bisexual
5) could get definitely get teased and will break down AND cry
6) you'll be exposed to sex, drugs and alcohol.....

It continues on but I feel like you need to experience it for yourself since everyone works different.

But why would someone even write a book about things your possibly gonna experience in highschool. It's still unknown to me.

Hopefully highschool isn't all that bad.


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