Chapter 1

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POV: Cairo

After a disastrous dinner in the dining hall were one of the patients tried to stab the other with a plastic fork over an unedible stale piece of bread desparate much, we were sent back to our rooms cause they didn't want a war to brake out with the rest of the patients.

Laying on my bed I was about to drift off into the dark abyss known as sleep but it was cut off by the obnoxious buzz of the steel door connected to my room.

A little confused my face remained impassive. They never open the doors unless it's for dinner, time to go outside or our scheduled meet with Docter Aniston and we already had our shots in last week.

"Wake up" one of the male nurses says as the other one walks in with handcuffs and a muzzle.

Not responding I sit upright in my bed waiting for them so we could get this over with.

"Mr Robert wants to see you in his office. There's a visitor here for you." He says as he walks closer towards where I'm sitting.

This time my face turns into one of confusion.

Someone is here to see me? For over the past 7 years of being locked up here there has never been any one to visit me. I didn't even think that I had any living relatives who even knows of my existance since it's just always been Jane and I.

Even after she got married to Greg I just thought he was an only child who cut off all ties with his family.

Sticking my arms out so Nurse #1 could put on the cuffs. As Nurse #2 tried to move closer to put on the muzzle I kicked him in the shin making him hunch over comming face to face with me as he groans in pain.

"I'm not a fucking dog." I said as I stood up and walked to the door waiting for them.

As we were walking down the stark white hall with only the baby blue floor giving it some sort of colour, you could hear all the screams and banging coming from the other patients rooms.

As we got closer to Mr Robert's office I could see two security guards dressed in all black standing outside his door.

They weren't here before? Who the fuck are these fucking visitors, the fucking president? WTF.

Nurse #1 gives one of the guards who stood on my right a curt nod before knocking on the door when a 'come in' was heard.

Opening the door the guards steps aside for us to enter.

Walking in the smell of detergent immidialtly hits me. Still the same as the first time I stepped foot in this office.

Oblivious to Rodger I looked to the corner of the room where a relatively tall man with dark graying hair sits.

Power and authority basically oozing off him.

Dressed in a dark navy blue suit, a golden cross chain on his neck and a silver watch encrusted with diamonds .

Any other person would have been intimidated just standing in his presence, I would have probably felt the same if my mind wasn't clouded with confusion.

Why does this strange man look alot like me? And why is he staring at me as if he just found something so dear to him after losing it?

"Y-you may leave." Robert says cutting off my little staring contest with the stranger, fear effident in his voice.

Turning to look at him hearing the door close indicating that the two male nurses has just left.

"What's going on and why am I here?" I ask waiting for him to respond with a bored look on my face.

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