Chapter 12: The Raid Begins!

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Blue followed Space and Hope out of the town hall frantically looking in all directions. Red fireworks were going off all over the town. Mass sprinted past Blue and over to a donkey and cart that had parked on the other side of the picket fence. Finally, Raider appeared from the town hall, cleared his throat and spoke loudly to the small group.

"Ok Knights, armour up and get ready! We are prepared for this, and we need to be strong for the people of Flagtown. Hope! You take command of the northern wall. Space! You take Blue and cover the east," he turned and shouted over to Mass. "Mass! I want you commanding the south wall."

Mass turned his head and acknowledged the order with a nod, then shouted over to the group.

"Good thing I brought a couple of spares, everyone get over here and gear up!" He was already heaving a blue chestplate off his cart. Blue turned to talk to Raider but only caught the door of the town hall swinging shut. He must be getting something from his office, he thought. Then he turned back to see Space and Hope had joined Mass at his cart and were each pulling on a blue chestplate.

"Come on Blue, these are for you!" Mass shouted while holding up a leather bag. Blue stared for a moment, unsure of what to do with so much happening. He was in disbelief. And dark thoughts circled the edge of his mind. A gut-wrenching feeling that the Illagers finding Flagtown had something to do with him! The thought snapped Blue back to reality, and he jogged over to the cart. All three of the Knights were already fully armoured up with their blue chestplates shining in the sunlight.

"Um, what are those chestplates made out of?" asked Blue.

"The best material we have," replied Mass, having donned his own chestplate. "Diamond!" Blue raised an eyebrow. For some reason he wasn't surprised you could make armour out of diamonds. But why wasn't he surprised by that? The thought was interrupted by Mass. "Come on lad, no time to waste!"

With some help from Mass, Blue was soon geared up the same as the other Knights. Blue now wore an iron helmet, leggings and boots and his own diamond chestplate. The chestplate was surprisingly lightweight and breathable. Not as clunky and hard to adjust to as regular iron or gold armour. Mass had also reached into the back of the cart and produced a familiar looking golden blade.

"All repaired and ready for action!" It was obvious that Mass was trying to remain chipper despite an unease in his tone.

"Thanks Mass. And don't worry, everything will be fine." Blue said forcing a smile as he slipped the sword into his scabbard.

"Thanks!" Mass replied, then jumped into his cart, taking up the reigns of his donkey and nodded to his companions.

"Good luck friends. See you on the other side... for our victory meal." Then he whipped the reigns and set off for the southern wall. At the same time Hope saluted to the others and took off running to the north.

"We should go too!" said Space rummaging around in his pocket and fishing out a small pouch. Then he flipped it open, popped out a small black orb and held it out to Blue.

"Be very careful with this!" he said, his tone was stern despite his voice.

"Um, what is it?" asked Blue.

"It's called an Ender Pearl. Fastest way to get to the eastern wall," Space said gently placing it in Blue's hand. Then he took out another pearl and pocketed the pouch. "How's your throwing arm?"

"Not bad I guess," Blue shrugged, slightly confused at the question.

"Ok, you see that house with the grey hoop on top," Space said pointing over Blue's shoulder. Blue turned to see an old stone building with a large hoop built on its roof. In fact, he noticed there were a couple of buildings with the same bizarre accessory scattered around the town.

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