V - Plans

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"What the hell!"

Ron and Harry swiveled around at Hermione's voice. Harry's eyes widened upon seeing her, and Ron looked as though he'd just found a box of puppies. 

"You're here," he said, his eyes hazy.

"And you're leaving," Hermione replied. "Without saying goodbye."

Harry sighed. "We didn't want to hurt you anymore than we had to." Ron nodded in agreement, still in a trance at the sight of Hermione. He got like this sometimes.

Hermione ignore it and turned back to Harry. "It would have hurt more if you'd just left. Without a goodbye. If you couldn't bear the sight of me, at least leave so much as a letter!" Harry opened his mouth to object, but Hermione cut him off. "Don't look at me like I don't know what this journey entails. I've done the research. I've done the training. I know."

"I'm sor—" Harry tried.

"No," she said. "Don't. What's done is done. If you were truly sorry, you'd let me come with you, but it's clear you're set in your ways, and I'm not about to accept any half-assed apologies." She looked between the two of them. "But, I did want to give you this."

She pulled a small stack of papers out from beneath her cloak. She handed them to Harry, who looked at them, clearly dumbfounded. He glanced up at her, eyes glassy. "My notes," she explained. "My research. Everything I've gathered about horcruxes and how to destroy them. I thought you should have them."

"I—Thank you," Harry told her.

"Thank me by coming back alive," she said, and reached out to hug him.

She moved towards Ron—who held on for a little too long—before backing away from them so they could leave.

The anger she'd worked so hard to bury attempted to surface, but she pushed it down as she watched them walk away. Part of her wished they'd turn around and reconsider. She wanted to go along with them. 

And she damn well could have. She could have walked up to them and insisted she go with them. She stepped forward, opening her mouth to ask them to wait for her, but she was too late. They grabbed on to their Portkey, and were gone within seconds.

There was no way she could have caught up to them if she tried. 

So, the witch turned around and walked to the great hall to start her day. Without her two best friends. And she felt lost all over again.


The great hall was crowded—as it usually was—and Draco hated it. He didn't like being pressed up between the people next to him. Clearly there wasn't enough room on the bench at which they sat, and Draco thought it would be much easier if they just stood. 

He turned to Pansy—who looked unbothered by the close proximity—and was about to tell her to shove off, but the hall quickly silenced before he could even get a word out. 

McGonagall stepped forward and cleared her throat, drawing everyone's attention. "I have an important announcement to make, so spare me a few minutes to explain."

The double doors burst open suddenly and Hermione rushed in. Draco rolled is eyes. Of course she had to make some sort of scene—some grand entrance. She rushed towards the Gryffindor table and took her seat next to Ginny, the two of them sharing a look. 

Draco glanced back at the front where McGonagall had started speaking again. "As some of you know, there are going to be a few changes to the way we do things around here. First things first: We are dismantling the house system."

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