IV - Solitude

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Draco's body was thrown back, his shoulders hitting a nearby wall. He groaned, feeling his muscles stiffen from the impact. 

That damn mudblood. 

He pulled out his wand and stood up, brushing off the blood and the bruise. He planted his feet and stared back at Hermione, grey eyes cold and calm. 

"Confringo!" he shouted, aiming his wand at her. 

Hermione threw up a shielding charm before the blast could reach her. Her brown eyes narrowed and she held her ground. "Stupefy!" 

Draco dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the trajectory of the spell. The fight continued as such: The witch and wizard throwing various hexes at one another, injuring their opponent so much so, it began to look like a fight to the death. 

Ginny launched herself at Hermione before she could cast another spell, distracting the witch and giving Draco the perfect opportunity to strike. 


"What is the meaning of this?" thundered McGonagall, rushing towards them.

Her eyes landed on Draco, beaten and bloody. She frowned at his state and glanced at Hermione, eyes laced with questions. Draco lifted his chin, a look of indigence crossing his face. Hermione wiped blood off the side of her mouth and glared back at Draco.

Minerva was not having it. She stepped between the two, ending their silent stare down. "You two will meet me in my office. Immediately."

She turned her back and marched away, leaving the pair to rush after her. Once they had reached the confinements of her office, Minerva McGonagall whirled on them. 

"There is a war going on, if you haven't noticed!" she said.

"No, I hadn't noticed," Draco scoffed.

Hermione cast a glare in his direction, wishing she could cast one last spell to shut him up. Draco felt her eyes on him and he returned her glare, grinding his teeth together to keep from mouthing off. 

McGonagall cleared her throat. "It seems this school isn't implementing the right kind of morals in our students. You all would much rather be at each other's throats than anything else." She narrowed her eyes for a moment, thinking. "There will be no houses until further notice. The students of this school will learn how to act as a team instead of divided by the sorting hat. Dormitory arrangement changes will be posted tomorrow. Feel free to spread the word."

The two were left gaping at McGonagall's retreating back. As if on second thought she turned around and said, "Oh, and I certainly hope you two can find it in yourselves to be civil to one another, because as I see it, you two will be spending a lot more time together."

Draco whirled on Hermione the moment the door shut behind McGonagall. "This is bloody brilliant."

"Oh, don't act like this is my fault," the witch scoffed.

"You're the fool who cast the first spell," he said, and she knew he was right. 

Hermione narrowed her eyes. "And you continued the duel," she hissed. "You know what they say about people who argue with fools."

"I don't, actually," Draco told her with an indignant sniff (even though it was undeniably clear he understood what she meant).

Hermione groaned. "And now you're just being a pain in the ass. We wouldn't be in this position if you didn't show up here."

"You act like I want to be here."

Hermione let out an unamused laugh. "Oh, right. I forgot. You wouldn't dare sully your family's reputation by being in the presence of mudbloods, am I right?"

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