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Dabi's POV: (Three months earlier)

The chilled October air swept into the drafty room of the League's current hideout, causing the girl beside him to shiver. "What is taking so long?"

Shigaraki had called for all of them to meet here at a designated time, claiming that there was something of utmost importance to be discussed. The self-proclaimed leader, however, was now ten minutes late. "I'm sure he'll be here soon," Twice reassured her, then, "He's taking forever, let's just leave."

Dabi shifted his weight to his other leg, beginning to grow impatient. There were other things he could be doing right now. Things that were more important than being in a room surrounded by the misfits that he associated himself with. He'd heard the news that his father was currently running a work-study with some students from the hero school. If Dabi wasn't here, he could've been plotting a way to disturb Endeavor's mentoring.

Finally, the sounds of the metal door being pushed open grabbed everyone's attention. Shigaraki stepped inside, a large folder in hand. Without greeting, he made his way to the front of the room, stopping a few feet away from the small hole in the cement wall. Dabi watched, eager to get this meeting over with. "Good, you're all here."

"Yes, and we have been for over twenty minutes," Spinner said. It was rare for the mutant to sound aggravated. Maybe the fact that it was hibernation season had put him into a mood. Dabi chuckled softly to himself.

Kuroguri stood silently by his ward, patiently waiting, forever the subservient protector. Shigaraki ignored Spinner's words and placed the brown folder on top of one of the rickety wooden tables beside him. "I asked for you all to be here today because we have hit a pivotal point in our march toward societal domination."

It was funny how the man's dialogue always sounded like he was imitating a cliche movie villain. He sighed. Anytime Shigaraki said something like that it meant that Dabi would likely lose all of his free time for the next few weeks. "Who do we attack next?" Compress asked from the far back corner. "I do hope that it is someone worth our time."

"This is not an attack," Shigaraki stated. Toga furrowed her brows, along with some of the others. It wasn't often that the League was called together for something other than a planned ambush. "What I've discovered is going to require more of an investigation."

"And what exactly have you discovered?" Dabi pushed himself from against the wall.

"A lead." Shigaraki opened the folder and spread its contents of it over the table. There were a few images, along with what looked to be official reports filed by the Hero Commission. "After the incident two years ago that confirmed the existence of the weapon that gave Master his power, I've searched tirelessly for its location." He brought his hand to his neck and began scratching his pale skin. "As you all know, there has been little success. However, my intel has recently confirmed that there is a group of vigilantes that have come close to finding it."

Vigilantes, huh? You didn't see many of those around these days. It had also been a while since they'd discussed the weapon that could create and destroy quirks. Honestly, Dabi had pretty much forgotten about it until now. "So, are we going to capture one of their members and interrogate them to figure out what they know?" Toga sounded sadistically excited. As she always did at the prospect of torture.

"Not quite," Shigaraki continued. "The heroes have already managed to take one of its members hostage, and from the details Hawks has provided, they are trained incredibly well. The person did not talk even after being subjected to the many horrors that the Commission had to offer."

Dabi wondered if civilians had any idea of the things that went on behind the scenes of their perfect hero society. He'd heard the stories of the villains that were captured and taken in for 'questioning' by the Commission. Many of them did not leave alive. The public was told that they were sent to an offshore secure facility, but that was only to maintain their image.

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