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Four days had passed. Within that time, you and Dabi had spoken about a total of thirty words to one another.  

It wasn't that you were ignoring him. You had just made a rule for yourself that you would only speak to him if he spoke to you first, and if what he said wasn't an apology for how he'd been acting, then you would only respond with a single word. 

It was proving to be a difficult rule to uphold. Multiple times you'd found yourself itching to lash out, to scream at him and ask what the hell you'd done wrong to make him change so suddenly. But then you would pause, remind yourself that regardless of whether or not you'd done something it was still his fault for being an asshole instead of talking to you about it. After that, the urge to question him would usually shift into the urge to curse him out. 

On the bright side, he had stopped eating all of your groceries and had managed to get his own, but even that had been something that made you feel bad. Without realizing it, you'd begun to buy extra to account for the fact that you'd be sharing your food with someone else. Now that that wasn't the case, you found yourself with an unnecessary amount of items taking up the space in your pantry. 

So, there you were, sitting on your bed eating your third orange of the day so that the five-pound bag you'd gotten wouldn't go to waste. Dabi was in his usual spot on the couch. Another inconvenience because now you couldn't go into the living room or the kitchen without the sight of him disrupting what little peace you had. 

God, since when had your own home become such a stressful place?

You'd thought about trying to kick him out but couldn't bring yourself to do it. First of all, the guy had a spare key on him somewhere, so kicking him out would only give you a reprieve for about ten minutes or so. Secondly, and this one was such a blow to your pride that you didn't even want to think about it, you'd found that even when he was being a complete dick, Dabi's presence was something you'd come to feel comforted by. You'd gotten used to having him close by all the time and you weren't quite ready for that to change yet. 

No matter how strenuous your relationship with him was, you knew that if something were to happen, he'd be by your side. Even if it was only because his plan couldn't work if you were dead. You could sleep without gripping the knife under your pillow as tightly as you normally would because having him here made you feel safe... in a weird way. 

You sighed and took another bite of the orange. It was eight o'clock on a Friday night and you were already in bed and wearing your pajamas. A month ago, you would've cringed at the sight.

Your phone buzzed on the bedside table, and you wiped your fingers with a damp cloth to get the orange juice off before picking it up. On the screen, there was a text from Hawks. You smiled a little as you saw his contact name. You'd forgotten that you'd drunkenly changed it after the lunch you'd had with him.


Little Bitch With Wings:

LBWW: Patrolling in your area tonight. Can I stop by so we can talk? I know I was an asshole and I wanna apologize.


You thought about it. Throughout the rest of the week, Hawks had tried reaching out a few times, but according to the news he'd been incredibly busy with his hero work. You wanted to wait and make him sit in his guilt for a little while, but you also knew that the two of you needed to be on good terms so that you still had an invitation to the party next week. Four days had probably been long enough to let him squirm. You were keeping the contact name for a little longer though.


Little Bitch With Wings:

LBWW: Patrolling in your area tonight. Can I stop by so we can talk? I know I was an asshole and I wanna apologize.

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 (𝐃𝐚𝐛𝐢 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now