Chapter 28

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I was working on some project and making a presentation for the meeting tomorrow when I got a call from one of the maid whom I hired as a full-time caretaker of Aarohi.

It's not like I don't trust Aarohi regarding our child or something. But it's for her safety she's being so clumsy sometimes.

Well, yeah I consider on the things about the past and thought to take the full custody of the baby and but let Aarohi meet them. I'm not that much heartless or beast.

I again hear the voice of that annoying ring tone and it broke my trance i quickly picked the call and a worried voice welcomed me.

"Si..sir... Aarohi ma..madam.... She faint, doctor.. please come." She said stammering. Her word are not in a proper sentence but one name caught my attention.


"Listen to me, take care of her I'm coming. Just look after her." I said hurriedly and walk out of my cabin taking my coat and laptop bag. But not before locking the cabin door.

I reached to the parking and take the driver seat and drove towards the penthouse. I was feeling restless until I reached and see her from my own eyes.

Soon I reached and went inside her bedroom directly. When I reached their I feel her shivering and sweating like she's having an nightmare.

"What happened?" I asked to the one of the maid who called me earlier. While sitting beside Aarohi. Stroking her head.

"Sir some man comes today saying he's a relative of yours as well as Mam's. And then mam meet him we all the maids did our work give them some privacy. But then I heard Mam's angry voice and thought to go out. But I didn't interfere between them just stay a little far from both of them. And then he said something on which she start screaming covering her ears and then she fell unconscious but before she touch the floor one of the maid hold her preventing her from falling." She tell the whole story, and then continue.

"Once we settled her on her bed i call the doctor and she came to check upon her saying she's ok just faint because of the stress."

Till now I was really confused who's this? He said he's a relative of mine and her?

Armaan? No everyone know him here.
Tanmay? Absolutely not. Because he's also well known by the staff here.

Then who??

I was keep thinking for that 'relative'. Well i have CCTV cameras in the house I check them afterwards.

" please open....mumma open your eyes no mom.... listen mumma....mumma .......MUMMA..." Aarohi was having i nightmare, she was sweating and shaking badly.

I tried to wake her up but she didn't open her eyes and then she sat on the bed with jerk screaming 'Mumma'.

"Aarohi...Aarohi look at me.. Everything is fine. I'm here. You're ok. Stop crying please. Calm down ok?." I tried to calm her. She was breathing heavily.

I tried to touch her and take her into a hug. But she flinch and moved back.

I feel Little hurt and other feeling too when she did that.

"Don't touch me. Stay away. If not you this is never happened. It's all because of you and your so called fiancee. I hate you...i hate you so damm fucking much. It's all because of you. And everyone blames me. It's always you and her. I hate you both." She said crying and punching on my chest. First I don't understand what she meant.

But soon I realised it. She was talking about Surbhi aunty. Her mother.

She was crying but I feel anger rose inside me. How can she blame me and Saurvi for this. She's the whole reason for the whole happenings and yet she have the audicity to blame me and my love.

I so want to slap her right now. I want to shout on her. I want to ask her why she did that. But I can't. I just can't. I know i hate her. In past i wanted to hurt her and torture her for the past happenings but I never able of doing anything bad to her. She's still my little bestfriend from the past.

So before i loose my temper. I walked out of the room. Leave maids for take care of her.

I walked into my home office. And sit their taking a drink in my hand. I feel so devastating hearing her accusations.


"Mumma today we're going in the party at Singhania house. Right?" I asked out of excitement to my mom for the nth time.

"Oh God! Agastya. How many times I said yes, yes, yes.." she said out of frustration.

"Sorry mumma but I'm so excited it's my bestfriend's birthday." I said jumping up and down. Excitedly.

"Ohho you're so excited every year more then her." She said putting her palm on her forehead. Sighing lightly.

"Uhhh... I can't wait to go." I scream and run into my room.

Soon it's time to go. I was hella excited. I took the present from my room which i buy for Shreya (Aarohi) and we reached to Singhania mansion.

As we reached everything is fine and beautiful until shreya cut the cake.

After cake cutting, we all the kids were dancing and playing when we heard a loud sound something like blast. And screamings.... screamings and crying.

The scene in front of me scared the hell out of me.


***flashback ends***

My trance broked when someone knocked on my door. I feel wetness on my cheeks. As I touched i felt I was crying. After wiping my tears away.

'come in' i said faintly. I was mentally and emotionally disturbed. Everytime I thinks about the past i felt shivers.

Tomorrow is the barsi (death anniversary) of aunty and...

"Sir??" I was lost again when maid call me.

"Sir mam was crying continuously. She didn't eat or even drink a water. Please come." She said with worried face.

I don't want to face her. I was damm angry to take care of her. Call me heartless, but if I saw her face I surely said something which might hurt her.

"Call tanmay or armaan. I'm busy." I said and close the door shut.

And Sat with the drink again, i wanted to drown myself in drink. And continue with my past.
Hey guys!! How are you all?

Hopefully all fit and fine.
So how's the story till now?

+What do you think the past is? Why Agastya hate Aarohi (shreya) if they both are bestfriends in the childhood?

+Who's death anniversary other than Surbhi?

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