✨Fairytale Au✨ They Take You Home

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- she's not THAT controlling she'll let you work at the mage tower but will secretly put a tracking spell on you



- she is THAT crazy and hey where would you go?

- so she'll happily keep you if those dirty humans wouldn't take good care of such precious gems



- you step Into dragons dent there's no going out unless you're dead
Plus where would you go?
You'll be lebbeled as traitor in your kingdom if you gone back



- into the spirit realm you go
High spirit? No no she's the queen of spirit and she needs her mate

And hey! She got a conviniently cute master so why not?

Plus her servant sakura and lily seems to approve of you



- you're already in her home,but if you try to go somewhere else she'll follow

- and if she deemed the area too dangerous she'll just drag you right back to her cozy cabin in the woods



- camera zooms out to reveal kishimoto holding cat toys while you dangle from it biting it for dear life

- Mary : "I see you're adjusting just fine"


You fall down

- Mary : "just how would you survived in the wild with those flimsy tiny paw of yours?"

- and she's correct like how?

Yandere kakegurui x female reader One Shot(completed) Where stories live. Discover now