Chapter 12

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Months have passed and I haven't spoken to Ace. He didn't know I had admitted myself into a mental hospital. It took me a couple of days to get used to the ward. I feared if I didn't check myself in, these would be my last days.

A knock on my door startled me, staring at me through a small window was a tech, "Breakfast in five minutes," she smiled.

I rolled back over in my bed and studied the cracks among  the walls. I wanted to eat but my mind was too tired to tell my body to move.

On top of that, I was very anxious, I didn't know what to expect while I stayed here. And I haven't even seen the doctor yet and that made my anxiety even higher.

"You must be Jean?" The psychiatrist asked as I walked into the group session. "I'm Dr. Williams, we didn't see you at breakfast. It's nice to finally meet you." Everyone's eyes were glued on me as I took my seat beside a random woman.

"Everyone Jean is our new addition! Jean would you like to share with the group and tell us a little about yourself?" he asked.

I chuckled, "Yeah,  I'ma skip the cliché movie moment and not tell random strangers my business."

He wrote something down on the clipboard and I gave him a perplexed look. "Remember Jean, we're here to help and if you won't open up, we can't help you," he smiled. When the others spoke I felt out of place, their issues were about their families, partners, friends, school or jobs. And I was just the crack head's daughter, where every day is a crime scene.

I couldn't relate to anyone there and that made me want to rip my hair off. I wish I could switch traumas with any one of them.

During free time, I decided to read a book. But I was interrupted by the woman I sat next to in group.

"You're Jean right?" she smiled at me.

"Yeah," I said looking up from my book.

"I'm Ava!" she said sitting beside me.

"Oh, I guess you wanna talk," I said annoyed by the woman's company. I  placed the book on the side table.

"The bible?" she questioned. "Are you religious?"

"No," I said bluntly. "But my little sister was, the Bible is hers and I want to get better for her. So, I said why not give it a read once in my life."

"That's wonderful," Ava said.

"Yeah, I guess so but what about you?" I asked.

"Yes, I'm religious" she shook her head.

"So, I guess you can help me understand this," I answered.

She giggled, "I have never read the bible but that didn't stop me from creating a relationship with God!"

"How does that work?" I asked.

"The lord knows my heart and that's all that matters!" she smiled.

I can't lie, deep down inside, I was happy Ava came and talk to me. This was my first time at a mental hospital and she made me feel comfortable on the first day.

Ava was committed involuntarily for three months now. I could tell she had a kind soul like Rue's but something in her life just knocked her down. During my stay she help me remember to laugh and that this was only temporary.


Kalani's first birthday was coming up and Ace insisted on buying her some stuff for the party.

"Why are you spending so much money on this party?" Aurora whispered as Imani fumbled through the racks for the children a outfit. "You know we're going to need this money for our wedding." After Aurora and Jean got out the hospital, while Jean pushed him away, Aurora open her arms and let him in.

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