~ {Chapter Three} ~

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- The Train

I awoke to the noise of Mr. Kendrick's ruler smack onto the wooden desk in front of me.

"Ms. Ollins, please time and time again, I tell you and your fellow classmates to never fall asleep. Especially in my classroom." He gave me a sharp glare through his prescribed glasses.

I shied deeper into my seat seeing the rest of the students snicker and throw hate comments like a fast ball.

"Look at the little 'princess' act all shy, I doubt she does that when she goes home." A red headed girl with curves like a Victoria's Secret model, gave me a disgusted look. "I bet she's cheap. Better give her card to Ryan."

Everyone around her laughed like the hyenas they are. Mr. Kendrick spun around and almost smacked her even if he would get fired, "Vanessa! Enough, even though Ms. Ollins sometimes can act the fool, you have no right to criticize her for the things she may or may not do after the school bell rings."

What was this.. Mr. Kendrick? Or was it someone else.. He just stood up for me. The teacher that hated my guts the most for one little slip up. He stood up for me.

"Thanks?" I started to say as I gathered my binders and papers into one arm. I listened as my English teacher walked back to the front mumbling something under his breath, his shoes clacking behind him on the tiles.

Rose tapped my shoulder and pointed to the large black and white clock on the wall. It read 2:17. We would be getting out in three minutes. Oh the joy of I was getting for that wonderous feeling for the library.

She wrapped her fingers across the school's desk, while we waited for the machine on the wall to tell us to go home. I was always safe and sound at the arms of a clock tower. That was my home.. Rose's home was that giant oak tree or a small magnolia tree sprouting. She would climb up to the very top just to watch the skies mysteries. The same way I climbed to the top of Big Ben to listen to the noises and watch the hands pass time like a time traveler.

Tick-Tock went the clock.

It just kept ticking until finally it tocked. Ring, went the bell throughout the school campus.

Rose smiled at me and told me her plans, "I have to go on a bike tour with my Grandma this afternoon, I wish I could come over to the tower with you."

I returned her grateful radiant smile, "It's okay, I'm just going to head over to the library." Starting to get up, the both of us walked towards the classrooms entrance and second exit.

She nodded and chuckled softly, "Alright, have fun Mickey, see you soon!" With the Rose dashed out of the classroom with all the other hooligans running right on after her.


I popped open the libraries main two double doors like the wardrobe to Narnia.

"Good afternoon Ms. Ollins." A familiar friend of mine called my last name into the dreamland.

"Hello Mrs. Mellian." She was the other assistant for the library instead of the one that helped me get food for breakfast and dinner. I loved them both, they treated me like I was their own daughter. They also had taught me much of what I know for school. Good thing to have librarians help you grow up isn't it?

"Here to check out a new book or just looking for some place quieter than that rickety 'ole clock tower of yours?" Mrs. Mellian shook her full head of bleach blonde hair chuckling at my odd hobby. If you listened closely you could hear the slightest accent of Ireland.

I looked around the warm,cozy building full of memories and beautiful stories. Letting out a sigh I answered, "I think I'm just going to look for another book to intertwine myself into."

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