chap 4

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Well, that left  Akaashi shocked, He looked at Shuko and said with a faint smile " I understand and I hope to be able to talk to you and get closer." and left. Shuko was quite proud that she was able to make a new friend.

Shuko went out of the library 10 minutes after Akaashi because she had a more intriguing interest in this book they both held. On her way to the exit, she looked around to get the school map clearer. She saw an open art room, it was full of paint and materials, Shuko assumed it was some kind of club and looked around for a long time. Shuko was just silently observing the open artworks techniques for her to steal. She was intrigued by it all and went to the exit while hearing loud noises on the way. 

Shuko went home safely and had some spare time before her last shift before she stop until breaks appear. She went to change and directly walked out of the comfort of her home. She arrives at the cafe she worked at, it was a small place with a warm vibe to it. She used to go there every once or twice a day in one week to do her work, so the manager decided to offer her the job. Shuko gladly accept and became their barista, but if she is alone she would become the cashier, and quite frankly isn't the best for her and ask the manager to do it. 

Today she decided to learn to do it better, she wanted to be able to socialize better, after all, she made a new friend. 

It was 6 pm now and Shuko's co-worker had to go earlier than closing, giving her the cashier spot to do. Shuko's shift will end at closing time which is 7:30 pm. Shuko waited near the counter and heard the door open, It was a tall guy with a tracksuit on him. Shuko was preparing herself and waiting for the customer to get closer. 

The guy went to the counter and before he could finish his sentence, Shuko realize it was Akaashi. "May I have the -- oh Shuko you work here?", Shuko can only nod. A faint smile plastered on him, Akaashi then said his order, and Shuko couldn't say anything due to pure fear of embarrassing herself. Shuko checked him out by just giving gestures and no words. 

Shuko made his drink and decided to write something on the plastic cup. Finish his drink and press the bell to notify him and she heard him get up while she get his straw before handing it to him. She hands it to him politely and smiles, Akaashi smiled and said Thank you to Shuko. 

"Shuko, this is really good, I have to go, I'll see you here tomorrow... maybe here too since I have practice, I hope you like the book too bye." he saw a glimpse of Shuko's face looking hesitant as soon as he said "maybe here too" and starts to overthink if he did anything wrong again. Akaashi thought to himself, "Did she not like the book or me meeting her tomorrow? She looked fine earlier when I said I'll see her tomorrow." As he went out and bowed to Shuko before Shuko could say what she needed to say.


Shuko felt so guilty that she couldn't get the words right out. She waited for Akaashi but only can stare at him until he looked. Every time she wanted to talk to Akaashi , he seem busy or had to do something. She decided to find Bokuto. Shuko tapped Bokuto on his shoulder , he greeted her and she tried her best to ask for Akaashi's number , so she could tell him what she wanted to say. 

I like how we communicate , Akaashi keiji ffWhere stories live. Discover now