Chapter 1

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" I guess I am early for today." realized the girl. 

It was the first day of high school and every year  will  at least have 5 new students are in each class. The girl observed the room before walking to find the right seat. She felt the wind of the AC to determine her seat, she sat quite close to the middle of the second row . The girl put her bag and thought of exploring the school a bit , then she saw the library , she went to open the door multiple time . the door was locked, then shadows passed by her. 

She decided to go back to her class and saw some students were there already. She went back to her seat and saw there was a bag beside her, it was the seat below the ac. "They must not like the cold maybe." The girl decided to take out her sketchbook and started to draw, she had her eye on the book and let her ear make the sounds around her abstract. Out of the blue, a person had bumped her making a mistake on her perfect art piece, the face of despair and shock was plastered on her , you look to your right and having your ears now hear the chaos of the room . 

There was a boy who she assume that accidentally made that mistake standing up making such a scene of apologies, " I AM SO SORRY, I DIDN'T MEAN TO RUIN YOUR DRAWING...I WAS TRYING TO TALK TO YOUR SEATMATE HERE... WOAH THATS AMAZING!" the tall owl haired boy said, the girl looked embarrassed and seem to be quite scared too, she was about to say something, but the bell rang and the boy went out. She felt quite shame due to her lack of time to respond, she had a bit of a teary eye as she wanted to give her best impression on the first day. 

The boy beside her was glancing at her...

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