Scene 31

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You know how some mornings you wake up and have this feeling that everything is going to change? That was me this morning. It's the day of Jase's championship fight and also the day of my interview with Englewood. To say I was shocked when they called and requested to meet with me would be an understatement. I was astounded. I honestly believed I'd burned all my bridges when I quit my job after those damning articles were published. I even asked the intern who contacted me to double check she had the right person.

And that's why it's totally surreal to be sitting opposite Maria Englewood, wearing a stylish yet respectable pantsuit and discussing the possibility of my future employment at her firm. Maria Englewood is one of the most distinguished women I've ever met. She's slightly shorter than average, with dark hair in a sleek topknot. Her dress is designer but not flashy, and she has this way of weighing every word she says that gives the impression she's always the smartest person in a room.

To be fair, she's definitely the smartest person in this room. I can only aspire to her heights. She represents female CEOs, politicians, and other power houses, and also has a pro bono legal clinic that specializes in domestic and family law. In short, she rocks, and I want to work for her. Hell, I want to be her.

"Lena," she says, after we've been through the standard interview questions and I've somehow answered them without turning into a total fangirl, although I've had to rest my hands in my lap so she can't see them shaking. "I admit, I wasn't sure how this conversation would go. Your experience isn't directly in line with what we do here, but I love your passion. You have the kind of fire and enthusiasm we need at Englewood."

Oh. My. God. Did Maria Englewood just compliment me?

My head swims and I'm dangerously close to crying happy tears.

"Thank you," I reply.

She folds her hands in front of her and cocks her head, studying me with intelligent eyes. "There's just one more thing I need to ask about."

My stomach sinks. She wants to know about the debacle with Jase. Of course she does. It makes me look like a liability.

"I respect you, Lena, so I'm going to come straight out and ask. What happened with Jase Rawlins?"

There it is. The kiss of death. I'm done before I even have a chance.

"That situation was messy," I say. "I didn't want to take on Jase as a client, but I was pressured into it. Everything was going well until Monday, and you'll have seen that the woman responsible publicly apologized yesterday and withdrew charges." I sigh, and decide I may as well throw myself fully off the cliff. "The truth is, I fell in love with him." Her expression is impossible to read, so I power on. "I don't want you to think I make a habit of hooking up with clients. This was a one-time thing. Jase is special."

Maria nods, still not giving anything away. Then she finishes her glass of water and shuffles her papers into a stack. Is she dismissing me?

When she stands, I do too. "Thank you for the opportunity." I head for the door. As I open it, her voice stops me.

"Lena, I'll see you at eight a.m. on Monday."

Wait, what?

I glance over my shoulder, and she smiles at me. "Welcome aboard."

"Oh my gosh," I stammer. "Thank you. I'll be here."

I walk out with my spirits so high I could touch the ceiling. I have a new job. I'm finally going to be working with the type of clients I want. My idol just gave me a second chance. Slumping against the elevator wall, I stare at the ceiling. Maria Englewood won't regret hiring me. I'll make sure of it. I'm going to be the best new recruit ever.

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