Scene 19

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Two days later, I wake after a vivid dream during which I somehow coaxed five orgasms from Lena like the sex machine I am, and she rewarded me with the mother of all blow jobs. My thighs are shaking, dick spreading goo all over the sheets. Since the bedding is clearly a loss, I finish myself off with a couple of tugs, then put the sheets in the wash and have a shower. My cleaner comes a couple of times a week, but there's no way mopping up jizz is in her job description.

Once I'm clean and dry, I wrap a towel around my waist and check my phone. Then I blink in astonishment. Fifteen missed calls? The only time this has ever happened was after I dumped Erin. I check the numbers, but they're all different. Cautiously, I play the first voicemail. It's Nick.

"Jase, my man. That publicist we hired is pure gold. People have been ringing for you nonstop since her article came out last night, and ninety percent of the calls are positive. You owe her a bonus and you should also consider getting on your knees and kissing her toes. Seriously, have you read it? Give me a call."

The second message is from Devon, and it's along the same lines. Apparently, Lena is a genius and I should worship at her altar. I grin because it crosses my mind that I already have, and I wouldn't mind doing so again. Perhaps she'll have time to see me tonight. She was too busy yesterday, working on her article and then revising it after I made some suggestions.

I listen to another thirteen messages, including three invitations to hook up from women I've never met. I delete those. The only woman I want to be with right now is the one responsible for the rapid change in my fortunes. Strolling over to open the curtains and let the sun in, I dial Lena's number.

"You're fucking fantastic," I say when she answers. "Thank you, thank you, thank you."

She laughs, and I picture the cute smile that must be twisting her lips. "You're very welcome. I'm glad it's helping."

"Helping?" I shake my head. "That's an understatement. You're brilliant. I'm so grateful I could kiss you."

"Oh?" Is it just me, or did her voice drop an octave and become husky?


"I'm just doing my job."

"Hell, yeah. Doing it like a boss."

She chuckles again. "Well, once you stopped being a dick, my job was surprisingly easy."

The comment doesn't bother me in the least because I was being a dick, and she was being uptight. Neither of us made the best first impression, but that's neither here nor there.

"Can I see you tonight?" I'm shocked to find my heart lodged in my throat while I await her reply. I desperately want to watch her eyes flash with passion, and see her tempting lips pout for a kiss.


I'm not sure I like the way she draws the word out. "Yeah?"

"I need to see you about work, if you can spare the time. There's an opportunity I'd like to discuss with you."

"Whatever it is, I'm sure it'll be great. Come by the gym when you're free and I'll make time for you." The fact I'm prioritizing Lena over training should frighten me, but for some reason it doesn't. Maybe I'm in the stupid phase of the infatuation cycle, because even the thought of waiting a couple of hours to see her feels like forever.

"I'll see you later." She pauses, then adds, "I'm happy things are working out for you. Train hard."

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