The 'It Finally Happened' Date

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When Hinata loved, she did it with her whole heart. Her sister's words were her guiding light.

He wants all of you.

And she gave him all of herself, which made Naruto deliriously happy.

After Temari's birthday party, they'd talked about that night when he'd asked if she'd wanted to take a break. He told her of the hurt he'd felt when she hadn't responded when he'd told her he loved her.

"I'm so sorry, Naruto."

"I know, Hinata, but you're here now and I can feel your love for me."

They were laying on the bed, wrapped around each other. He pressed a kiss on top of her head and reached for the lock of hair resting at her back.

She told him of the confusion she'd felt at his sudden confession, of always heeding the ugly doubts that made her feel like she was unworthy to be his choice.

"Choice?!" he sputtered suddenly, and the hand that had been playing with her hair abruptly stopped. She felt the rumble of his outburst against her cheek, the one she'd laid upon his chest.

He reached out to tilt her face up to meet his gaze. "Hinata, you make it seem as if there was ever an option to be with another woman! I don't think it's possible. It's always been you."

"I believe you now because I feel the same way about you, too." She smiled when she felt his arm tighten around her waist. "During our break, I realized that I don't think I can be with another man."

"Good!" he said with a laugh. "But damn, you sure did make me wait."

She sighed. "I wish I could be more confident, but I'm slowly working on it because I don't want you to ever feel like I don't trust you and don't believe in our relationship."

His arms tight around her, he said, "It's fine if you never do, Hinata, because I won't waver. You can lay all your doubts and burdens on me because I will carry it for the both of us."

"Naruto," she whispered and broke his gaze. She buried her face once more into his chest and nodded. "I love you for saying that but I'm going to do my best to believe in myself. I have to do this."

He caressed her cheek. "Okay, but if you ever feel doubt, just know that I will love whatever version you are. Shy, quiet, powerful, strong, silly, nervous, pissed, neurotic, happy—whatever and whoever you are, Hinata."

Another kiss pressed on top of her head, which made her sigh. "Oh, Naruto! The things you say...I don't think my heart can take it."

He grabbed her hand and kissed it. "Too bad. I love you and I'll keep on saying those things! Your heart's going to get so full, it's going to burst."

"It's bursting already."

"Oooh, let me feel this bursting heart of yours." He placed a hand on her left breast and squeezed, making her squeal in protest.


"I'm joking!"

"You just completely ruined a wonderful, romantic moment."


But they both laughed quietly.

They were silent for a few moments but then he said, "Just because someone says something about you doesn't make it true, you know. Toneri saying those things doesn't mean he's right. I never thought you were bland and boring."

"You're just being nice."

"No, I'm not. I mean, think about it, Hinata. Could a bland and boring person ever have the balls to step in a pinch and pretend to be a geisha?"

NaruHina: ConsequencesWhere stories live. Discover now