[Chapter 1]

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Sorry for any grammar mistakes

Devin POV

As soon as the rift spitted me out I landed on the floor hard and then I heard a familiar voice say "Who the hell are you?!" I sat up and saw Brandon and Ritchie? No that couldn't be them they looked a lot more darker and evil they also didn't know who I am.

'Where the hell did I land?!Is this some kind of alter dimension or something?!' I thought though not for long ad I had a feeling that they would attack me if I didn't answer them as if I cared.

"I'm Devin.." I said with my still sad voice but now it had a suprised tone in it "Now what the hell are you doing here?!" Ritchie asked I had to breath deeply so I wouldn't start crying there.

"I-I don't know! I was j-just home trying to relax wh-when a rift opened a-and swallowed me whole." I said I couldn't possibly lie to Ritchie even if this wasn't him and besides I need to get out of here and go save my world "So I assume that you are from another universe yes?" Brandon asked I nodded "Yes." I think that they might have gotten a hint of something since the next thing that they asked was "You seem like you know us in your universe." Brandon asked "Are you phraps apart of Divinius magia our dark guild?" When Ritchie said that my eyes widened.

"D-Dark guild?!" I said out loud 'Oh no was this some kind of dark universe?' Brandon squinned his eyes at me "I m-mean yeah I am apart of Divinius magaia t-though it is not a dark guild where I come from." Both of them seemed to understand Ritchie had a sinister smile after that.

"Can you help me find a way back?" When I asked this it seemed as if they were going to laugh "Yeah no." Brandon replied almost laughing "Why not?!" I got all angry even though I didn't want to be home I still had people that I cared about there "Because your universe is most likely gone now if you saw it falling apart before the rift swallowed you." Ritchie laughed I didn't like these versions of them much.

"W-What..." I was shocked tears begin to pick in my eyes but I shoved them away before the two of them would notice "Why don't you join our guild instead?" Brandon offered "It's not like you have a choice though either you join or die." Ritchie said laughing.

This didn't suprise me as much since this was how it used to be in our old guild when a criminal that had magic done something bad they could've make up for their mistakes or well die. Both of them started to look impatient as I was taking a bit too long to choose.

"Sure." I then heard myself say though that didn't sound quite like me it sounded like.....'Eden?!' I yelled in my mind 'I don't know what happened but yeah hi' he said in my mind if it weren't for this situation that we were in I would of smiled as wide as I could.

"Great!" Brandon clapped his hands "And why did your eye colour change?" Ritchie asked ''Fuck do we tell them the truth or?'' I asked Eden in a whisper "Because there is more then one person in this body." Eden said in his usual tone answering my question though I could sence that he was a bit nervous.

"Intresting." The two twins started to look at me "I'm Eden." Brandon nodded "Right so what is your magic it must be pretty strong since you are in our guild after all." Ritchie nodded at his brothers statement.

"Arc of embodiment I can basically create anything I imagine." I said they both looked fascinated by this "So if you would create said object would it be able to do what it's supposed to do? Would it be functional?" Brandon asked "Well I would have to know how it works and all that stuff about said object if I would wa-want it to work properly." Ritchie nodded "So it's a bit limited I see." I made a nervous smile "Y-Yeah."

I just then realised 'Wait....I'm wearing Ritchies poncho isn't it weird for the other Ritchie- you know what I give up on questioning this.' As if on que Ritchie then asked "Why are you wearing my poncho?" I almost nervously laughed at that and cried at the same time.

'Fuck fuck fuck' I thought "Wait Eden don't you dare-" I started in a whisper as I realised the next bad thing that could happen would be Eden telling them that me and Ritchie are....well were together for like 5 seconds before he died...

'You can't stop me-' He started and I quickly stopped him "What if he kills us after all he is evil and this is a dark guild!" I whispered so quiet that I hoped to gods that they wouldn't hear it also scoldeding him.

'....aw man' I breathed out as I saved us from potential death.
"Because you d-died and you were my b-best friend." It wasn't all a lie.

"What were you mumerring about." Brandon demanded "Oh j-just talking to Eden he had some questions and stuff." I hoped to all life that they bought it since it didn't really seem like it.

"Sure." Ritchie then walked over to the door "You are staying with me for now." I nodded following him scared for my life but atleast I had Eden right?




So let me explain the universe that Devin landed in for 1. Everyvone in his universe who is good is evil and the other way around

2. Devin is dead in this universe

3. They look a bit diffrent there like darker colours etc.

4.Ritchie and Brandon have taken all of the power from their devils or well demons idk which one now

5. Divinius magia is the most feared guild 

6. Some guilds have diffrent names like protectors guild= Destroying guild , Devils tounge= Angel's tounge, La carnival= La crazyval, The wandering coins= The wandering shields (idk anymore man)

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