Chapter 4

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Evan stepped out of his room in his black tailored suit, adjusting his silver grey tie, and walked down the hall toward the living room. Unlike earlier that day when he and Amanda had a snack with the Luna's and the young Alpha's, both Omega's pretty stiff the entire time until they all left separately to get ready for the party, there were a lot of people in the living room area. Thanks to Beta Cas ordering the Beta's to help Evan and Amanda, the decorations were all up with streamers dangling everywhere and lights on strings hanging overhead giving the room a soft yellow glow. The dance floor area was especially lively with a lot of people dancing, mostly Quinton and Damien's friends or classmates in high school. There were even a few humans here which wasn't entirely strange since there were quite a few humans in town who found themselves mated to a werewolf so their family was in on the secret as well. The Alpha's and Luna's were sitting at the kitchen counter's watching their son's dancing, Quinton beaming brightly as he twirled one of their girl friends so her dress spun and Damien seemed to be doing the mambo with his fourteen year old cousin who stood up to his stomach. Evan carefully skirted around the dance floor, spotting his friend in a pretty pink dress with a full skirt that swished around her legs anytime she moved. She was standing with her parents, or more like by them while they were talking to other parents, looking so awkward with herself until she spotted Evan and quickly hurried to his side.

"Oh thank god you're here! All they've been talking about is mates, marriage, and kids. If it weren't for the whole Fated Mates thing, I think my mother was seriously considering giving me away to her friends sons just so she can have the perfect son in-law, a big happy wedding, and grandkids all within this year," Amanda hissed with a fearful look in her eyes before looping arms with Evan, quickly steering him away toward the snack tables. "Talk about something other than mates. I beg you!"

"That might be a little hard seeing as everyone is practically vibrating with anticipation," Evan said teasingly, Amanda giving him a knowing look over her shoulder.

"Margo get to you?" Amanda asked, glancing over at the Beta woman who had planned this entire event. She was greeting guests as they came in through the door with a very bright cheery smile on her face that reminded the teens of a plastic Barbie doll. "Acts so classy and proper, in her own eyes, but she's such a gossip magnet," Amanda muttered under her breath as they watched one of Margo's friends slink over to her side, whispering in her ear which put a thin smile on the blonde's face as they both looked over at someone like vultures waiting for an animal to drop.

"She seems to have this idea in her head that if everyone watches them closely and those around them, she'll be able to determine who their mates will be since, in her eyes, an Alpha shouldn't be mated to another Alpha but someone calm, serine, and beautiful," Evan said with a snort, popping a chip in his mouth as they watched their classmates dance which was a little disturbing when one girl bent over while her friend started grinding her hips against the others ass, the crowd of teens going nuts while one or two adults quickly moved in to stop it.

"Someone got left at the prom," Amanda muttered under her breath before she smiled brightly with her blue eyes lighting up in excitement. "You think you'll find your mate today?" Amanda asked, looking like a child at Christmas, but Evan fixed her with a frown with a scoff for a laugh.

"Am, we both know Omega's like us have a very low chance of finding their mates unless we were to, miraculously, be mated to an Alpha. Even if by some miracle that my mate was at this party, I probably wouldn't know about it until tomorrow if at all because everyone is focusing on Quinton and Damien which is probably pointless since they appear to be made for one another. Yet, still, you can see lots of girls, and guys too, crowding around the two young Alpha's on the very unlikely event that they are not mated to one another. So, out of the three of us who will be coming of age today, who do you think my mate would go for right now?" Evan asked with a long lengthy explanation that Amanda was not listening to at all as she scanned the crowd like she could locate his mate all on her own if she looked hard enough.

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