Chapter 7: Remeber

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I grabbed him. Before I knew it, he went head first down the school steps. Lee Jae? Out of
everyone in the school, she chose my brother. I catch sight of one of our teachers smoking. I
go over and snatch the cigarette out of his hand. "Amazing. Aren't you suppose to set an
example. You're trash." I walk down the stairs to Lee Jae. Suddenly a fist swings directly at
my face. Blood starts dripping from my mouth. The taste of bland salt enters into the seam of
my lips. I see Yoo In-Soo smiling at me. Hey Captain America. You're stepping out of your
comfort zone aren't you. With speed, I punch him in his rib cage. He drops to his knees. "You
should stay out of my way." I continue walking towards Lee Jae. Bending down, I whisper in
his ear. "You really want to make me your enemy. Ok. Then let's do that." Ahhhhhhhh! I seer
the cigarette into his jaw. Lee Sung starts screaming. But why is she screaming. It's so loud!

Out of no where my ears starts ringing. The sound grows louder. I cover my ears and bend
over in agony. SILENCE. Everything suddenly go silent. I look up to see everyone staring at me.
The sound finally comes back. I could hear people whispering. "He is so weird. Why is he on
the ground? What an attention seeker. No wonder Lee Sung dumped him." I see Park Bogum
running to me. He grabs me by my arm and leads me into the building. I glance back to see
Lee Sung staring at me with a mean look. How could she do that with him? Bogum leads me
to the school roof top. He then shuts the door behind us.

Eun Woo: Aren't you going to say it? Say it! I know you want too.

I could hear my voice cracking. Tears suddenly began fall down my cheeks.

Eun Woo: Just say it! Say I told you so! Say how stupid I was to believe that someone would actually like me! How could I believe someone would actually stay! My mom didn't even want me! So what makes you think Lee Sung would want you! Your disposable! A freak!..........But Bogum........I really liked why........why doesn't she like me?

Tears streamed down my eyes. I couldn't hide the pain I felt. Bogum knelt down beside me and started patting my back.

Park Bogum: Just this once. Cry your eyes out for her. But remember this pain. Believe it or not, you might feel weak and helpless now. But what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. And well, much cooler.

Eun Woo: Cool? I literally burned Lee Jae with a cigarette just now.

Park Bogum: What are you talking about? You literally dropped to the ground while covering your ears. Then you started gasping for air. I thought you were having a panic attack......but if you imagined burning him then you really must be pissed.

Eun Woo: I feel like crap. What about you?.......Did you threaten Lee Jae with the videos I gave you?

Park Bogum: No. I didn' about we do something else?

Eun Woo: Like What?

Park Bogum: You know.......become cooler.

Me and Bogum got to class. The teacher went over many lessons but my mind was somewhere else. You fool. Why are you still thinking about her. She's dating your brother. What is there left to want. But why did she suddenly change her mind about me?.....No. I should let it go. It was lunch time. I my made way to the cafeteria. A hand suddenly grabbed at my shoulders. I turned to see Jungkook smiling at me.

Jungkook: Long time no see. I was starting to get a little worried.

Eun Woo: But not worried enough to help me when I had a mental breakdown in front of the entire school.

Jungkook: Don't......don't play victim. You should know by now, who has the upper hand. From the very beginning, she spoiled you. Lee Sung played nice with you, then she put a shield around you. Lee Jae and Yoo In-Soo, wouldn't back down from bullying someone so easy. Next she dressed you up and made you feel like you were somebody, someone to be admired. Then the final When you start to see it as love.....that's when hell breaks loose. So don't be too hard on yourself. After all, you're not the first. And certainly won't be her last. Her father has that part already planned out. Ask Lee Jae.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 11, 2022 ⏰

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