Now And Forever

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"I want everything with you. I want the holidays and the birthdays, the crazy weekdays and lazy weekends. I want inside jokes and silly arguments and everything. I want a life with you."

Teja's POV:

I won't say I'm not happy. I am happy. Neil loves me so much and I'm lucky to have him. Moreover, I'll finally be able to let go of Karan once and for all. It's all the more reason to do it and I just want to get this over with as soon as possible. I would finally be able to close the door on my past. All the hurt, pain and suffering will feel like faded memories. He will feel like a faded memory.

Something inside me clenches at the thought. He can never just be a memory. As much as I want to believe it, deep down in my heart, I know it's not the truth. I can't just erase him from my life. It would feel like erasing a piece of myself. We've gone through a lot together. All those moments are not just gonna vanish altogether.

But all I can hope is that my feelings would fade with time. I think a part of me will always love him. What's done is done on that part. Even so, it won't be as all-consuming as it is now. It would rather turn into a dull ache overtime. And most importantly, I have Neil now. He's so charismatic I would be surprised if I didn't fall in love with him.

My mom's voice detaches me from my thoughts.

"Teju, everyone's ready and waiting outside. Let's get going."

I swiftly wiped at the tear that rolled down my cheek but not before she caught it.

"Beta, what's wrong?"

I forced a smile and replied, "Nothing mumma. I'm just a little emotional at the thought of leaving you guys."

I can tell she's having difficulty believing me when she asks, "You're happy with this marriage right?"

I don't try to hide my expression because I'm genuinely taken aback, "Of course I am. Why would you say that?"

"It's just that me and your dad only want you to be happy and you should be with someone you love with your whole heart and soul."

I furrowed my eyes in confusion and said earnestly, "Mom, Neil does love me with his whole heart and soul."

She narrowed her gaze at me and stated, "That's not what I said Teja."

I was still trying to make sense of her words when she moved her hand to my neck and touched the necklace. It was his necklace. The first gift he had ever given to me.

Not saying a word, she looked into my eyes and I knew she saw everything she needed to. She put her arms around me and I felt myself start to cry. Burying my head into her neck I slowly whispered, "I still love him."

She broke the hug and shook my shoulders meaningfully, "Then go and tell him."

I gave her a small smile and rushed out. I could see everyone look at me with confused expressions but I didn't have time for this right now. I grabbed my phone, opened the door and breathed in the cool air.

As I make my way down the steps, I open my phone, type in his name and call him with shaking fingers. I had so much to say to him but the only words that come out of my mouth are, "Where are you?"

He didn't miss a beat, "Coming to you."

I let loose a breath I didn't know I had been holding in and sigh with relief.

I wait for him by the sidewalk when I see a black range rover slide across the corner. He gets out of the car. I didn't realise how much I truly missed him until that moment.

I slowly walk towards him, "Now before you say anything, let me get something off my chest. I'm not marrying Neil."

I felt him reeling it all in.

"It turns out I'm absolutely terrible at staying away from you. It's a very serious problem. I don't want anyone but you. I don't even want to want anyone but you." He reached out, trailing his fingers lightly through my hair, fingertips brushing my cheek.

My voice had sunk to a whisper. "I don't want anyone but you either."

"I've never felt like this before", he continued. "I'd always wanted a girl and then gotten to know her and just not want her anymore. But with you the feeling only got stronger and stronger till I knew."

"Knew what?" I asked faintly.

He narrowed his eyes in irritation and smiled slightly. "Knew that I am irretrievably, irrevocably in love with you."

I had been waiting to hear those words since forever. I had always known it but actually getting to hear them is something else.

Before I knew it, I could feel tears of joy running down my face. I pulled him to myself and wrapped his arms around me. He hugged me just as tightly as I gripped him.

"When I was a little girl, I dreamed of that one person with whom I would share my dreams, happiness, all the trappings of an everyday life. I always felt he was out there. I just needed to find him. Ever since I've met you, I've realised that I've finally found him. You are the one and I wouldn't have it any other way."

I registered that his eyes had become wet too.

"I want everything with you Sunny. I want the holidays and the birthdays, the crazy weekdays and lazy weekends. I want inside jokes and silly arguments and everything. I want a life with you."

He slowly pulled away and cupped my face gently, "Really?"

"Yes, really. I love you. I love you. I love you." I murmur against his lips.

His eyes brimmed with tears and the smile tugging his lips broke into a grin as he pulled me in even closer.

I breathe into his neck savouring the moment and whisper "PS you said it first."

I'm well aware that this isn't a fairy tale. I'm sure there will be difficult and perplexing times ahead. I understand that things won't always go our way, and that we'll have to remind ourselves that we chose this. It won't be perfect, not all the time. And that's more than okay.

This isn't happily ever after.

It's so much more than that.


To tell you the truth, ever since I've started this story, I wanted it to have a bittersweet end. But despite my made up mind, as the story kept flowing out of me, I realised I couldn't do it. I couldn't doom them to that. So with no particular plot in mind, I ended up writing this. It's not the best. I couldn't do justice to their love but then I never could have done that anyway. Their story is theirs to live and no imagination of mine could have met their reality. Nevertheless, I hope you ended up loving it just like I did. I'm not gonna tell you that they lived happily ever after because there's no such thing. But there was happiness. And they did live.

Yours truly,


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