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Minho had to make a choice.

Weeks were only turning into months, the reality of Jisung not outlasting them weighed heavy.

"What was the longest you've been awake?"

"Six years."

Though that seemed like a lifetime away, it sat with Minho. Jisung's existence was only possible so long as he remained interacting with the doll. He didn't see that factor changing, but how long where they supposed to keep this up without one of them resenting the other? Jisung for not doing more to be normal again or Minho for not being able to change that.

Jisung believed true love had a say in all thus hoopla, but Minho still doubted some of the logistics. He couldn't outright admit it to the doll, less he think Minho was calling him stupid again. But truly, how was he meant to believe he could be the prince that saved the princess?

"Do you miss being big?" Minho ventured one afternoon.

The shop was slow, only one customer so far and Minho couldn't seem to get out of his own head.

"Sometimes." Jisung quipped, face distorted by the glass he was pressing it against.

"What do you miss the most?"

"It's hard to say." he started, coming back to where Minho's arms rested on the counter. "I used to miss doing things for myself. Asking everyone I was awakened by seemed like such a hassle. I used to pretend I never needed Emma's help."

"What changed?"

"Me... myself. I realized that sometimes, we as people, need help. Whether we like it or not." He placed his elbows on Minho's arm. "Plus, it's nice having other people do things for you. Makes me feel special."

Minho would do anything Jisung asked if it always made him feel that way.

"My turn to ask a question." Minho nodded to let him know to go on. "If whatever deity hadn't dropped me on your doorstep- figuratively, of course- do you think we would have met?"

It wasn't something he often thought about, but there were times when he'd let himself wonder. If Jisung hadn't been a part of that dollhouse, could they have met? Maybe, Minho liked to tell himself. Maybe he would be out with friends, on the first Saturday of the month. He'd stumble across Felix's brownies and by default, Minho's stand next to his. They'd chat and Jisung would be all kind smiles and warm eyes and if Minho were honest, he'd think that Jisung would be the one to make the first move. He'd hand off his number or ask for a date and Minho would be more than happy to oblige him.

"I think so, yeah."

"So you think we were destined to met?"

Things like fate weren't usually Minho's business. But he'd make them him business, if it meant Jisung believed, now more than ever, that he was meant to be here. With Minho.

"I do."

Minho didn't think much of it, later, when a young woman stepped into the store. She looked like someone who frequented these kind of places, auburn hair tied back into a loose braid. Her flower dress swayed as she took in the shop, analyzing the art pieces Minho hung on the wall.

"Let me know if you need help with anything." he called to her, the woman eyes landing on him.

He'd been taking inventory near the back, an old camera in his hands that he had been fiddling with.

She smiled, moving closer to him and Jisung dove behind a stack of old CD's, careful not to get caught.

"Well, I've actually come searching for something specific."

I'll Grow Tall For You - M I N S U N GWhere stories live. Discover now