[29]"she's never full"

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You woke up from a nightmare free night and got ready for school, even having enough time to groggily make bacon for breakfast. You barely needed any bandages anymore as most of the cuts were shallow and nearly gone. As usual, you said goodbye to Steve and Bucky drove you to school. Peter and the twins were waiting for you, "hey where's Sarah?" You asked. They just shrugged, "we aren't sure we haven't seen her yet. But we have music now maybe we'll see her there".
You agreed and walked to class. She was no where to be found so you all sat in the remaining seats near the door. Just as the lesson was about to begin she walked in, shuffling past you.
"Oh hey Sarah" you waved.
But she just awkwardly mumbled a "hi" without making eye contact and sat at the other end of the room.
You glanced at the others and they noticed it to judging by their confused faces.
"I wonder what that was about"
"If she does have some kind of power maybe she thinks we might find out or already know because she used it" said Lila.
"And if she doesn't have a power?" Asked cooper.
"We'll then I guess she's probably just worried because she was the one that pushed Gianna".
It seemed very plausible so, so far you still didn't know whether she was like you or not.
Throughout the lesson she kept glancing over but each time you noticed it was because one of the others was staring at her.
"Guys! Seriously? Stop staring. We said we were gonna be cool about this. She obviously isn't going to do anything in a classroom so we shouldn't watch her".
"Okay okay" spoke cooper, "that's a good point".
As soon as the class finished, Sarah quickly got up and walked out without saying anything to any of you.
"I think this is going to be harder than we thought".

Lunch soon came around and, once again, Sarah didn't sit with you all. "Where do you think she is?" Peter asked.
"Probably in the music room" you replied. Everyone ate their lunches whilst talking about the time away at camp. "Remember when Peter fell of the play structure onto the floor!" Howled cooper. Pete tried to look annoyed but ended up laughing to. "Hey! That's not fair. Sometimes I forget I can't use my webs to save me until I'm already falling. There were people around!" He barely finished as he was now silently gasping at the snorting sounds Lila was making. "It isn't that funny!" He chuckled.
You were broke out of the laughing fit by cooper, "oh guys look there's Sarah". He pointed to the tree line to see her walking along it with her backpack over one shoulder. Watching her walk for a while Lila spoke up, "why are we even watching her at school. She's been bullied a lot and she still doesn't use it so she isn't going to do anything next to a field full of students".
None of you had actually thought about that before and went silent trying to think about it. "Maybe" said Peter, "we could follow her after school?" Even he sounded unsure at his own idea.
"I think, we should probably just ask her if it comes to it. You know it's a bit better than stalking. But we'll call that plan C".
He scrunched his nose and nodded, "yea that sounds better".

After lunch you had a study session again and got to go in the library with your friends. However Sarah was again, nowhere to be seen.
"Maybe we should just speak to her?" You asked the group.
"Yea we could. Should we?"
"Maybe... we should think about it first to make sure it's the best decision"
"That's a good idea"

Sarah sat outside. She could see you all through the window and she wondered if you were talking about her. Did you know about her? Did you know who her family were? You had become good friends recently and she really didn't want to ruin that, but it was too dangerous. Her mum had warned her to not let anyone know especially now that her dad was gone it was just the two of them left to protect each other. But Sarah took comfort in the fact she was certain Peter was Spider-Man. When you fell in the river she thought she saw him using webs to get you out. And she wondered if you or the twins had powers to, you at least knew about peters. Which meant, if that was true, it would be less likely anyone would tell, because peter keeps his identity hidden to so he would understand.

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