[15]"it's called lento placido"

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The next few days were very similar. You went to school and slowly got through your lessons, meeting your friends at lunch. Then coming home to do your homework and FaceTiming the twins to help them.

Everything was the same until Thursday lunchtime. You had once again sat through a boring lesson so wasn't in a talking mood. After eating your food you told everyone you were going on a walk to stretch your legs.

Walking around the building you took in the modern design, mixed with a classic school look. It was actually quite pretty surrounded by dark green trees.

You entered through a side door so it was less likely someone would talk to you and strolled down a corridor.

That's when you heard the music. It was a piano coming from the music room and right away you knew who it was.

"Hey Sarah" you said, thinking it was best to let her know you were there.
"Oh hey y/n" she said back shyly.

There was an awkward silence and clearly she wasn't going to break it so you tried to start a conversation. "Can you play any other instruments?".

She just shook her head and once again the room was silent. Just as you were about to leave she spoke again. "I can only play piano, my mum taught me but she couldn't play anything else".

You smiled finally having a conversation with her. "That's the same with me but my dad".

She slightly smiled and moved up indicating you could also sit down at the piano. "Who do you like to listen to?" She asked.

"Well I suppose my favourite is, and I know it's basic is probably Debussy. I just like the nice simple sounds, it's calming. What's yours?"

She laughed, "that is kind of basic but I agree the sound it just different somehow it's nice. My favourite has to be Liszt".

"What!" You joke, acting overly shocked, "I agree Liszt is an amazing composer but he's your favourite?! There are so many notes constantly, do you not find it stressful?"

You both laugh together, "there are soo many notes, constantly changing but I guess it makes it easier to listen through the whole song. You have to try and listen to every single noise and before you know it, it's over".

You think for a moment, "I've never looked at it that way before, maybe I should give him another try with that in mind. Can you play any of his?"

"Of course" she replied and started to play. It sounded different to all the others you'd heard and, just like she said, you listened to every note.

When she was finished you gushed, "wow! I've not heard that one before that was amazing!"

"Thanks" she replied looking shy again, "it's called lento placido"

"Can you teach me?" You asked

She nodded and began showing you each note and started with the melody. Before you knew it the end of lunch bell rang and you went off to your lessons.

As you sat through chemistry your mind wandered. That was probably the first proper conversation you had ever had and you learnt something about her! She liked Liszt.

"Miss James!!" A voice shouted from the front. "Can you tell me the molecular mass of an oxygen gas?"

"32" you replied without even looking up.

"Um, no it's not, it's 16" replied an annoying voice from behind you. You turned to, unsurprisingly, see Gianna the bully staring back.

"How is it 16?" You asked.

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