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The girls sat in Emma's kitchen, having a small serving of Mrs Gilbert's famous homemade yogurt. For lack of better words, two of them were stalling.

"We should hurry up. We can't be late for the test." Emma spoke, placing down her bowl and going over to grab her bag off the dining room chair.

Cleo and Rikki shared a silent glance, before continuing to speak to one another.

"So, what's this flavour?" Rikki asked. Cleo nodded along to what she said and added her own, "It's really delicious."

They both focused most of their attention back onto the yogurt, Cleo because she actually was stalling and Rikki(only partially stalling), because she'd been feeling a bit ill the past few mornings, not being able to stomach much food at any one time.

It had mostly been like that for the past fortnight, since the previous full moon when she had been moonstruck.

"Stop stalling. Neither of you have studied, have you?" Emma phrased it like a question, but it was definitely more of a resigned accusation.

"Nope", Rikki answered without hesitation, as she finally set down her yogurt and began moving to grab her bag, Cleo following just behind her.

"I only managed 15 minutes and every second of it was agony", the brunette bemoaned, looking forlornly back towards the yogurt she had abandoned on the counter-top.

"You're both hopeless." Emma decided, leading the way quickly towards the front door.

The three girls paused in the front entrance, as they looked up towards the ominous looking sky, none trusting the cooler air above them that seemed to be brimming with a need to downpour.

"Don't worry. I checked the forecast, it's supposed to clear up soon." Cleo attempted to placate them, though her point was moot as almost immediately after she finished, the heavens opened and a sudden torrential rain began bucketing down in front of them.

"We wouldn't even make it to the street, without growing tails." Rikki looked on amusedly, reversing back into the house with the others and heading back into the lounge area. Cleo and Emma followed her lead, setting down their bags and beginning to seat themselves on the chairs where they could wait the rain out.

"There must be a way. I studied all weekend for this test!" Emma said downtrodden.

"Face it, Em, we're stuck. Don't worry, there will be others!" Rikki said light-heartedly, not at all fazed by the prospect of missing the dreaded test.

Just at that moment, Emma's mum came down the hallway and spotted them. "What are you all still doing here?" She asked them with a challenging expression and stance.

Cleo smiled at her politely, her sarcastic reply not matching her facial expression. "There's a typhoon outside..." As though it should be obvious to the woman.

"It's bucketing it. We're stuck" Emma added on to what Cleo had said. "Oh, don't be silly! I'll drive you to school. It's just a little bit of rain." Her mum grabbed the car keys and made her way towards the door, not at all deterred by the girls' protests, as she grabbed an umbrella and stepped out from under the porch's cover.

"Come on, girls." She attempted to grab Cleo, but said girl jerked back harshly and began reversing into the house.

"Cleo?" Mrs. Gilbert looked at the brunette teen in concern, everyone following her back into the entrance of the house. "What's wrong?"

Cleo looked at the woman from under her hand, which was holding her face in stress, Rikki having no idea what said girl was doing, watched her movements closely. Which was why she was so prepared for the dead-faint that she performed mere seconds later, quickly catching her friend with Emma and lowering her gently to the floor.

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