Mako Island☑️

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Emma dived into the water, arching into the movement and gliding beneath the surface.

She breached the top and began moving her arms, propelling herself forward and taking another breathe with every stroke, her movements fluid and smooth.

Cleo watched from the end of the pool, stopwatch in hand, as her best-friend got closer.

Emma's hand made contact with the pool's edge and Cleo pressed the button on the side of the timer, stopping it. The competitive swimmer took a calming breath, as she straightened her position, looking at her brunette friend expectantly.

Cleo smiled and turned the stopwatch around allowing Emma to look at the time, breaking into a wide smile, soon after.

"Awesome. That's point two under my personal best." She said excitedly, pushing down in the water with her arms as Cleo stood up again,

"Emma, you were really motoring there." She encouraged.

"I'll do better than that tomorrow." Emma boasted, she then pulled down her goggles, "give me two weeks and I'll be ready for regionals." She dived back under the water.

Cleo looked at her admiringly, shaking her head.

"So cool..."

Emma disappeared below the water and Cleo headed out, having other places that she wanted to be on such a bright and sunny day.


She walked along, among the boats, looking for her father's fishmonger.

"Cleo! Hey, Cleo." She heard someone call and looked over to see the pain-in-her-butt playboy rich kid, Zane.

She gave a confused face, not understanding why he was talking to her.

"Yes. That Cleo." Cleo looked behind herself, just to make sure.

"I'm in some trouble here. Can you help?" He looked at her with a 'sincere' expression.

"Ah, I don't think so." Cleo went to back away, as she shook her head.

"Come on," Zane encouraged, licking his lips as he stood up, "please.."


Rikki hid just to the side of some larger boats, watching the playboy rich kid as he talked to a girl who she had seen around school. It made her scowl, though she wasn't sure as to why that was, exactly.

She listened to their conversation and couldn't help the distaste that she felt when she heard any sincerity or kindness leaking into his voice. It must be because of the Cleo girl.

Cleo walked over to him and climbed onto the 'Zodiac', as she'd seen it was called, when she passed it earlier.

She watched closely as a mischievous glint entered his eye and held her breath in anticipation for whatever he was about to do.

Rikki saw him untying the ropes and realised what he was doing, getting a matching smirk to the one now on his face.

She heard as he mentioned the spark plug and looked around frantically for the little metal piece of hardware that she'd seen on the walkway earlier, grabbing it from the ground and going back to her hiding place.

Cleo asked about the spark plug and turned in surprise as Zane pushed the boat away, standing and looking out at her with amusement as Nate emerged from wherever he had been hiding, standing right beside him.

Evolution and RevivalTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon