Chapter 15: Mine

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I wouldn't go as far as to say that things are better. But they are certainly different. I haven't seen Bruce in three months apart from a television appearance just a week after that night I left him in his abandoned train station headquarters. I don't know the full details of what went down with the terrorist group. But the whole city was underwater for several days. Jenna and I were incredibly lucky that we were at home watching the events on TV. As soon as we saw the new mayor get shot, the feed cut out. I knew right away he would be there, and I sat at the edge of my seat, gripping my phone tightly in my hand. It was Jenna that heard the rushing water outside. We got to the second story, and luckily, our neighborhood is relatively high, so we only got a few feet of water.

So, definitely not better. The city is still struggling, and people just have to deal with the flood damage. Many have not returned from Bludhaven where they fled, but Jenna and I stayed. She helped get the schools back up and running, and I filled my free time with volunteer work until the streets were dry enough for Carly, Stella and I to return to the manor. There's more people living on the streets now, and hundreds of businesses are closed. The city is dangerous, and the police just can't keep up.

Alfred sat all three of us girls down and urged us to move into the staff wing of the manor. Both Carly and Stella jumped at the chance, dumping their roommates and shitty apartments. But I turned him down for several reasons. The biggest being my fear of running into Bruce. But I also couldn't leave Jenna alone in the townhouse. So, Alfred gave me a raise instead, to help us repair the flood damage.

The trial against Judge Fredrick is finally underway as all the craziness settles down. Both Jenna and I have to take the stand, along with the other girl who was with Jenna. She sits bravely in front of a silent room, including her kidnapper and attacker, and shares her story. She remains calm during her cross examination, which is quite brutal. I can't even fathom what the defense attorney did to try to discredit the girls. It is frankly disgusting. As if their medical exams weren't evidence enough of the now ex judge's physical violence.

Today is the last day of the trial. Just a short time in the courthouse after so many hours of meetings, interviews, and standing before the new judge. We finally get to hear the verdict. I sit directly behind Jenna as she squares her shoulders and stands tall, holding onto her friend's hand.

I watch her shoulders sag with relief when the man who was once an esteemed member of our city gets sentenced to twenty years without parole. I was hoping for life, but I suppose a fifty-six year old won't have much life left after twenty years in prison. His wife starts sobbing on the other side of the courtroom, standing with him until the end. Jenna turns around and hugs me over the short wall between us.

I look up at our prosecutor, Mr. Michaels- a friendly, sympathetic man. And though I haven't put much thought into it, he is handsome. In a wholesome way. I thank him silently, and he nods before addressing the two girls about what comes next.

Finally, I find myself bundled against the cold, outside in the fresh air, with the wretched events of the last several months behind me. Jenna is talking to her friend several feet away, and I stand on the steps of the courthouse, looking at the flood damaged buildings across the street.

I hear my name said behind me, and turn to find our lawyer approaching. His smile is warm against the wet chill of the air, his smoothed back, flaming orange hair in stark contrast to his dark suit. "Hey." He pauses before me. "I..." he glances away, shoving his hands in his pockets. "Well, I wanted to catch you before you left."

I frown. "Is everything okay?"

"Oh, yes! I just-" he clears his throat, "-since the trial is over now, and I don't know if you're even single. But I find you really captivating and I'd like to get to know you better... if you want."

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