Daycare Daze

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Summer was coming to an end. Sarah graduated high-school and made the choice to take a year off before college. She didn't really have a plan for her year until she heard a conversation between her little sister and mother.

"Kindergarten will be so great! But I'll miss daycare. We got to play so many games and make pretty pictures" Her mother smiles and tells her she will have fun in Kindergarten too.

This gives Sarah an idea. Daycare did seem fun! With Kimmy leaving daycare, why not have her go. Only a little information would need to be changed for enrollment.

"Mom! I want to go to Daycare this year."

After some discussion, her mom decides to see if she can enroll her oldest daughter in daycare. Come to find out all the spots are taken except for the 6 months-2 years. If Sarah really wants to go, it will have to be in diapers as one of the babies. Easy enough to change 18 years to 18 months.

I want Sarah to slowly fade away into more babyish behavior the longer she is there.

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