Chapter 9

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I know, I disappeared again. Sorry y'all but I have good excuses, i think.
My phone broke and I wasn't able to get it repaired for about two weeks. That were absolute hell, And at the last week of a school, I got into a fight with an entire other class and my hands were fucked up so I really couldn't write, even if I wanted to. But I dont regret doing it, the dudes were assholes and were picking on my friend for no reason. I won too so, i fucked them up , so i feel pretty good about it. I just feel shitty I couldn't give yall nothing for a while.


"Paimon, hurry up!"

"Paimon is going a fast as she can!"

These were the shouts that could be heard in Mondstadt, on a rainy but very important day.

The splish splash of Aether's shoes on the wet ground, and Paimon's complaints sounded in the streets, going mostly unnoticed, as the people was used to it by now.

What didn't went unnoticed, was the big purple, prettily wrapped in a white bow, that Aether was carrying in his arms.

And if the people thought about it even just a tad, it all made sense.

It was Lisa's birthday.

The beautiful librarian was very well known, in and out of Mondstadt. So when that day came, even if you didn't have a clue, you could've easily understood. Either by the Knights of Favonius hosting a party at Angel's Share or by the endless fanboys posted up outside of the Headquarters with a variety of gifts. But really, the only guy who was able to give gifts to Lisa, was Aether.

This was the second birthday of Lisa he would get to celebrate since he arrived in Teyvat. And if he was being all the way honest, Lisa's was one of the few birthdays, of the people close to him, that he couldn't afford to miss.

The woman had been an angel to him since day one, always caring, generous, helpful. When he got his electro vision she gave him her full help on how to master that element.

And he would make sure that she knew he was grateful for all she did for him.

That's why, as of right now, he was running around under a pretty heavy rain, trying not to let the rain soak the box.

"Paimon, come on! The cake is gonna get wet, and i'm not about to spend another 4 hours to make another one!", Aether shouted, ignoring the few grunts of displeasure that his companion let out.

But soon enough, they reached the Headquarters. To Aether's pleasure, there wasn't the usual line of guys waiting to get their chance to talk to Lisa, and that was probably because of the rain.

So quickly and smoothly, him and Paimon made their way into the building.

When they were engulfed by the warmth of the room, they let out a sigh of relief, especially Paimon.

"This is the last time that Paimon is accompanying you anywhere when it's raining like this!", she said, voice trembling as she hugged herself, trying to warm herself up.

"But, i told you that you could've stayed at home if you wanted to," Aether said, "it was you who insisted on coming-"

"Y-yeah, well- that was because Paimon will become emergency food before she'll let you go near Lisa alone!", a big shiver took over her body, but not because of the cold, "That woman is a menace."

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