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(Hello everyone!
Transformers is not mine and the picture above is an official art.
-comm speech-
-Cybertronian speech-

Spike looked up, "Hey, where are we going?"

SG Gold Bug looked at him, "A safe place."

Mikaela mumbled, "If they attacked the base, is any place actually safe?"

Spike, "We are going to be squished, aren't we?"

SG Gold Bug hissed, "No you are not. Not with me around."

Spike looked at him, "Okay, I believe you."

SG Gold Bug looked at him surprised, "Just like that?"

Spike nodded and turned around when they stopped, he saw SG Red Alert open a door and they all went inside. The inside looked like a bunker from the World War era and Spike stood up from where he was put down. Spike looked up and saw SG Red Alert and SG Gold Bug were ready to go to war, pun intended. SG Red Alert gave Rad a nuzzle and a kiss before leaving with SG Gold Bug. Rad smiled before grimacing when the two bots were no longer there. The blond man sighed wiping off the kiss from his head. Mikaela and Coby sat on one of the seats as the noise increased outside the door.

Rad mumbled, "As much as I hate my position right now. I hope they come back safely."

Mikaela shivered, "Yeah, I know. As much as Arcee scares me. I don't want any of the other femmes taking me, especially Chromia. She has some disturbing ideas about human females."

Spike winced, 'That's bdsm, but I suppose they won't know considering they were brought here as children.'


SG Gold Bug had taken him around the base once and he had seen SG Chromia once with four, FOUR, female humans tied up and getting pleasured by the femme. SG Chromia had a very dark glint in her optics listening to the female humans beg and cry for her to touch them. Spike noticed the sadistic femme had given a side optic towards Mikaela who was with SG Arcee being pleasured gently by the huntress. Unlike her triplet, SG Arcee preferred to have one partner not more and growled at the dark femme.

SG Chromia chuckled, "Calm down femme. I won't touch your human, without your consent. Just know I offer to take her in if anything happens to you."

SG Arcee narrowed her optics, "Tsk! No need."

SG Elita One walked in at that point rolling her optics, "Really? You two fighting over humans. I will never understand why you lot are interested in humans."

SG Arcee sighed, "They are not that bad. Yes, they do not live long but they are very useful."

SG Gold Bug left before he could hear what SG Elita had answered to SG Arcee. Spike could never forget what he saw though he understood why Mikaela stayed with SG Arcee anyway. It was either the Huntress femme or the pervert femme, it was a no brainer who Mikaela would prefer. He was honestly a little scared now, he hoped his Gold Bug saves him.

Flashback end!

Gold Bug meanwhile confronted his counterpart, "Where is he, you fragger? Where is my little brother?"

SG Gold Bug snarled, "He is not yours, he is mine! Mine! I will never give him to you."

Gold Bug dodged the attacks and hid behind one of the walls, "Spike is not an object, you crazy Mech. Who do you think you are to steal him from his home, his family and his friends?"

SG Gold Bug growled, "What would you know? You didn't have to search for him like I did only to realize he was not even born and his family died a long time ago. You were able to spend time with him as much as you desired while I could only watch."

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