cruel summer!

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"i'm not like, homophobic. i'm an ally!"


"we thank you for your service."

"would you like your pension
before or after your cremation or burial, oh wise veteran?"

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KIRA XU IS A YEAR OLDER THAN HER LITTLE BROTHER, TAO XU, however they were often seen as twins, due to the similar looks and their close bond as siblings. Whilst she attended Harvey Greene Grammar School for Girls, or in more tolerable terms: Higgs Grammar School, Tao went to Truham Grammar. The schools were close by, perhaps around a few minutes walk to both buildings, but the short distance was apparently light years away to her brother, especially since one of his best friends, Elle Argent, is transferring over to the girls' school. Now, Kira didn't mind watching over Elle, but on top of her GCSE work and certain. . . extracurriculars that had been dumped onto her, it would be a stretch. 

CRUEL SUMMER, heartstopper!Where stories live. Discover now