Part Fifteen - Finding

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"Jace, there's a note." Scarlett whispered. I looked over at the bench where Scarlett stood holding a folded piece of paper. "He left rent money too."

I frowned and nodded, that was just the kind of person Ben was, and always had been. He would never leave anyone stranded. Scarlett walked over to the couch, and handed me the note. With hesitance I flicked it open. I already knew what it was going to say, but that didn't stop my heart from sinking to the floor.

Dear Jace.

I'm sorry I lied. For what it is worth, while I always had feelings for you, just being your friend was always enough for me. I'm not sorry for that.

I hope one day you can forgive me.

X Ben.

Only once before in my life had I wished I could rewind time. Now it was twice, I wished I could go back and react different to his admission, tell him I had feelings for him too. I could have worked them out with him rather than run from him. I folded the note over and chucked it at the coffee table.

In desperation I pulled my phone from my pocket and called dialed his number, just on the off chance he had turned his phone on, but it went straight to voicemail. My anger radiated out and without thinking I threw my phone at the wall. It was hard enough that it left a dent in the wall, bouncing off, shattering in to pieces on the floor.

"Piece of shit." I muttered moving my eyes away from the mess on the ground.

"Jace..." Scarlett whispered, as she moved around the black suede couch. She bent down and picked up the broken pieces of phone. "You're coming to stay with me for a while."

"I'm fine." I lied, it came out smooth and natural, and for a minute I almost believed it until the dull ache of realization washed over me once more. I ran my fingers through my hair and shook my head.

"You're barely speaking, you just broke your phone. You're not my cheerful little brother." She was worried, and I didn't blame her, everything she was saying was true.

I looked up at her and tried to smile, attempting to fool her in to thinking I was fine, but my smile ended up looking like a grimace. I conceded quickly, being inside the apartment, knowing that Ben wasn't going to walk out of his room any time soon depressed me more every second I was in here. I grabbed my suitcase and walked over to the apartment door.

"Come on then." I said walking out into the corridor. Scarlett followed behind me and I locked the door.

We drove to Scarlett's in silence, only this time she didn't attempt to make any kind of conversation. Ben's complete disappearance had her in shock too. I was thankful for the quiet, but not thankful for the reason.

When we pulled into Scarlett's driveway I noticed that Jay's car was there as was Doc's, which meant I was probably going to be read the riot act about ditching the band with no notice. We hadn't had any gigs or studio time planned, but disappearing without a trace probably wasn't going to go over all that smoothly with everyone.

Scarlett and I walked up the footpath towards the house. I kicked a loose piece of cobblestone beneath my feet as I dawdled up the path "Are they pissed off?"

"About?" She mumbled, stopping and turning for a second. "They know what happened Jace. Ben came here after you left."

"He did?" I whispered. Fuck, it was goodbye. He wasn't coming home. I tried to swallow the ball of fear, but I couldn't keep my emotions in check anymore, not now I knew how I felt. Everything was confused.

"Yeah, he said he was going to take leave... I never imagined that meant...." She stopped and cleared her throat. "They're not angry Jace. They're worried. Come on, lets go inside."

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