We meet again

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The next day when the AO came back to AAAnimus, they weren't very happy. "We'll never find anything out if all we do is take tests." Lia complained as they walked towards their office "No kidding. This company has us running around in circles." 'About everything. We can't trust one word that they say' Dan agreed before opening the door with his card. As soon as the door opened they all widened their eyes in surprise. "Do I really get to eat all this?" He asked excitedly "Hmm, there's a note here. It's says these are presents from Philomena." The haos brawler said as Dan started munching on food "What is this stuff anyway? It's so good!" He exclaimed.

Lightning was sinking his teeth into a bone whilst Shun stared in amazement at his presents. "Look at all this Tumpee stuff too!" The aquos brawler exclaimed in joy "Hmm? What are those things?" Dan asked still eating "Tumpee? It's a legendary mascot that brings much happiness! Right, Tumpee?" Shun explained before hugging his Tumpee happily "Check out this camera! It's sold out everywhere!" Lia said "They don't know me, though. Giving me a science kit for children? Ugh! Useless." Wynton complained offended as everyone else played around with their new stuff.

"La-laa~! We roll out, then we shout. Bakugan Brawl is what we're all about. La-la-la, whoo-hoo-hoo! Le, le, le, loo, loo!" Dan sang out of tune as the tiny bakugan watched "Rocking out, Dan?" Drago asked "What is with that song? Could you be any more tone deaf?!" Wynton shouted as he covered his ears "Sorry, Wynton. Everything's so tasty. I can't help it." He apologised "I like the song." Drago told him causing the others to all exclaim in surprise, "What?!" "Sing some more, Dan! It's better than this noise in my head." Trox said "Noise?" Dan questioned "A horrible sound has been ringing through our heads since this morning." Hydrous explained.

"That's very strange; we don't hear any noise." Shun said "Maybe we should follow it." Dan suggested "Yeah. Then maybe we can get to the bottom of this." Wynton agreed "Okay then. The core cell. That's our goal." They all walked out of the office and started wandering down the corridors until they found a corridor heavily guarded by the lots of guards. The kids all put their heads around the side to look "They're guarding this area so closely. The core cell must be down there." The pyrus brawler observed "But how do we get in? There are guardsand we know our pass cards don't work on that elevator. " Shun asked.

Suddenly, Lightning barked and pulled at Shun's trousers "Hmm? What is it, Lightning?" The dog led them outside to the bushes where they were able to get into the room through a tube by distracting the guards with Shun's Tumpee. When they got out Dan exclaimed in surprise, "Whoa! That thing's incredible." "I wonder what they're trying to do with it?" Wynton questioned as they all started walking down towards the core cell. Drago started groaning on Dan's shoulder "Drago?" "The noise is getting louder." He clarified "Can you hear anything else? Like when we were in the Maze and you heard a message from the core cell?" Shun asked.

"No, just the noise." Hydrous replied "Should we try rolling you out? Maybe you'll be able to hear better." The ventus brawler suggested and they all rolled out their bakugan. The machine around the core cell suddenly starting working and the core cell was glowing a ruby colour "That machine suddenly started working!" Shun observed "What is going on here?" Wynton exclaimed. Trox started roaring and his partner turned around "Trox? Trox?!" He questioned as Trox's eyes turned red like the others and they all started roaring like animals. "What's wrong with you guys?" Dan asked.

Drago suddenly ran forward and smashed through the wall then started rampaging through the building with the rest of the bakugan following behind him. "Stand down, Bakugan!" Shun commanded them but they didn't listen and just kept on running "What in the world is this thing?" Wynton asked himself as he looked at the machine. Alarms were blaring all around AAAnimus's HQ as every single bakugan rampaged all over. "Looks like the AAAnimus bakugan are running wild too!" Lia said "And after we rolled ours out, weird. Did the core cell cause this?" Shun thought out loud.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2022 ⏰

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