The Revelation

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It all started when I had (foolishly) decided to try and foil the exit's plot to make a volcano erupt so they'd look like heroes (I know a little too extreme). Of course, something went wrong like it would in a situation like this. When I was caught by Magnus, he looked so powerful and merciless and I had expected that he would get Nillious to finish me and Drago off when I couldn't get him to evolve.

But instead he just left....and also made the volcano erupt with me and Drago in it but I'm sure it was a mistake. When we tried to stop and failed I really thought we were done for. When out of nowhere Magnus swooped down risking his own life like that to save me.

Me. His enemy. Me. The person he despised. Me. The one he was supposed to defeat at any cost. So why had he saved me? I was so confused but then I saw how beautiful he looked and I felt a bit of appreciation for him. Even though he probably just did it to look even more like a hero.

But the thing I noticed most was, when I looked closer, he looked a bit pale and under closer inspection I could see that he looked a bit warn out. But there was no time for that because soon I was on the ground and Magnus and Nillious were already flying away. The same thing happened to me when I saw him again.


We had just learned that AAAnimus was digging up the core cell and were heading over there to stop them. When we finally got to the top of the hill we saw it. The core cell! We were just amazed at how big and beautiful it was. Then we were knocked out of our stupor by a loud booming voice from across the hill.

"Stop! This is a restricted area." Magnus shouted "The Exit." Said Shun "So, it's Magnus." I whispered a bit disappointed that I would have to fight him "Just what are you guys doing with the core cell!?" Wynton asked them "We are protecting it, that's what. AAAnimus discovered this core cell, so that means AAAnimus owns it. Get it?" He told us.

"The core cell doesn't belong to anyone! There's no way we'll let you get away with this." Lia shouted at them "Ha. If you try to interfere with the excavation, then we'll do the job we were hired to do." Magnus threatened. "It would be better for you if you gave up and left quietly." He looked at me and I swear I saw it in his eyes that he was pleading with me to leave so he wouldn't have to fight me. But we weren't giving up without a fight. I looked back at him a bit hurt by his words.

"Hey mangy mutt. It's payback time for our last meeting." Strata said "Oh, no. I've got first pick of this bunch." China said "Back off you guys." Magnus growled trying to push them out of the way. They both took out their bakugan and yelled, "Bakugan brawl!" "The Awesome Ones totally ruined my plans." Said Kurin "Yeah. It's payback time." Aay said. "Bakugan brawl!" They rolled out.

"You clowns are all totally unbelievable." Said Magnus and he looked quite annoyed before yelling "Bakugan brawl!" And rolling out Nillious "Roll out time." "We won't let you have the core cell." "Not without a battle. Drome up!" Shouted Shun and we all shouted, "Bakugan brawl!" "Here we go." Said Lia as we started battling.

After a few minutes it looked like we were losing "No way. How have they gotten so strong?" Asked Wynton "New tech that converts BakuCore energy much faster, that's how." They all showed us these wrist bands they were wearing on their biceps, necks and wrists. "What's the matter? Hurry up and attack, Kouzo. Or are you scared you'll lose again?" Magnus asked. I gasped. "Oh my, my. Is it over already?" Mocked China

"You've gotten a little stronger, so what? Don't let it go to your fat head!" Lia shouted "That's right." Shouted Shun "Once we've powered up, we'll be on top again." Lightning barked in agreement They all screamed together then evolved their bakugan! Even Lightning! "That's the evolved form of Howlkor?" "Uh, Lightning, just when did that happen?" Asked Wynton. Lightning just barked.

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