~ {Chapter One} ~

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- Intro -

Hey! Welcome to the weird awesome story I invented!
Lol just kidding, but remember DONT STEAL!! I am very sweet and weird but just don't take it.. PROMISE.. Okay read on :)

Could you imagine living in London's very own Big Ben? Climbing through its mess of beams and gridded floors?

Mickey Ollins lives in Big Ben, she is 17 years old and lives with her dog Journey.
Her mother put her up for adoption as soon as she was born.


Well, her father was killed by Big Ben. Well, not literally, but he did die from the giant clock tower. He fell and continued to fall until nothing was alive at the bottom.

Mickeys mother has tried and tried continuously to forget and has done a pretty good job of it. The only thing she does for Mick is send her a check of 68 pounds a month.

Very helpful for a girl living alone in a clock tower. Sadly, Mickey has no idea that her mother is the one sending the pounds to her little hideout.

The school allows her to stay because she has a very high educational standard.

Yet, she has yet to run into her "dream" Ryan Copperfield. He's smart and very nice to her, but she can't put a finger on her feelings.

- The Tower

Tick-Tock Tick-Tick Tick-Tick

I swung from beam to beam of Big Bens clockworks. It smelled of peaches sometimes, I always wondered why..

The clock was home and everything I loved. I enjoyed the clocks dancing and cries of joy filling the emptiness I sometimes felt.

There were other girls my age at school, but they dressed weird and almost slutty.. scratch that. They were very, very slutty sometimes. Tight, short skirts and high adjusted crop tops. That was something that never really mattered into my taste of style.

They usually ignored me and some spat at me making me feel ashamed of even showing my face.

Rose glass was a friend. A really good friend of mine, you could even say she was my sister. She stood up for me all the time and actually told me secrets to lock away and I told her mine. She was wonderful and I loved having her around the clock tower with me.

Tick-Tock Tick-Tick

Something was lodged in the clocks main working jigsaw puzzle. I rolled onto the top gridded floor looking around at all the clock parts.

I saw something blue and..rubbery? Gasping and chuckling and snatched Journey's chew toy out of the system letting Big Ben take a sigh of relief. Ben let out a wheeze and swirled and twirled again back to life making me stare in amazement.

Climbing and sliding back down to the mid-section of the clock tower I opened a large metal door. Or my bedroom, maybe it wasn't a suite, but it was still my room and I loved every inch of it.

From the little coffee table to my right to the original door I came from on my left. I had a giant glass pane window in front of my bed letting me see the world in front of me. I could see boats and people, thousands and millions of people passing by. It was like a dream come to life in my eyes.

I had dreams of course. Yes, a real live dream waiting to be explored and mapped on its course. I wanted to find my mother and father, than I wanted to find "him". The special someone on the wedding cake, the person to hold me when I'm cold. I wanted to find the person that would never judge me for living up here in the clock tower.

Journey my chocolate lab hopped up onto my feathered bed with his tired body. Someone had sent my Journey, I still don't know who.

Sighing with content I plopped down onto the small yet, very comfortable bed. My dog curled into my side like the missing puzzle piece he is. I smiled and watched the little boats below pass by never looking up to see me.

It made me tired watching some skit across the harbor like water bugs, and some of them just swam like turtles. They were wonders to watch.

The creature named, 'sleep' took over me and called me to a place in Wonderland.

Goodnight Big Ben. The clock answered with its usual whirs and clanks soothing me as I fell fast into a sleep world.

A/N : So do you like it?? Comment if you do!

Love you!

The Girl In The Clock TowerWhere stories live. Discover now