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november 14, 2012

dear adam, 

did you mean it when you said I looked beautiful in the morning? 

that you didn't mind the pillowcase wrinkles on my face, or the smudged mascara underneath my eyes? 

as much as I insisted I looked like a deranged raccoon, you'd tuck my hair away from my face and tell me how naturally pretty you thought I was.  that there was never a moment you weren't completely entranced by my beauty. 

it sounds so cheesy now; it's hard to believe you were being genuine.

were you?

was there actually a part of you that enjoyed my big yawns, furrowed brows, and sleepy kisses?

or were you seducing me with little white lies, the same ones I used to make you fall in love with me?

you know which ones I'm talking about.

I should have been honest with you from the start, but I was so terrified of losing you.  I'd rather have conjured up entire false truths about myself than have shown you all the ways I was completely fucked up.

look where that got me.

maybe you actually meant how you felt about me in the early hours of the morning.  it was the only time of day I wasn't hiding who I was.

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