CH-5 Beach Day

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This is the fifth chapter in my IzuMomoJiro Week story. The class is heading out to the beach, and the trio is coming along. Let me know what you think.
I hope you enjoy.


Izuku's POVI woke up with both Momo and Kyoka but we were in a very different position then when we fell asleep

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Izuku's POV
I woke up with both Momo and Kyoka but we were in a very different position then when we fell asleep. When we went to sleep Momo was on my left and Kyoka was on my right with my arms around them and their hands on my chest. When I woke up Momo was in the same position but Kyoka had somehow managed to pull the covers off of all of us and was now completely spread over both of our bodies with her left arm on my face. I was confused as to how both myself and Momo didn't move but Kyoka ended up like this, I didn't question it though after yesterday. She can be a little hectic sometimes so it makes sense that she moves around in her sleep.

After a few minutes Momo stirred awake and noticed the situation we were in. We couldn't even get up to do anything since Kyoka was laying on top of both of us.
"How did she end up like that?" Momo asked.
"No idea, I woke up and she was like this" I answered.
"Should we wake her or just wait till she gets up?" She asked.
"Does she typically get up early?" I asked.
"Never. She hates getting up early" She answered. I kissed her on the lips before sighing.
"Guess we're waking her up then" I said.
"Want me to do it?" She asked.
"If you want" I said.

Momo managed to sit up without waking up Kyoka and got off of the bed, she moved down to Kyoka and lightly shook her.
"Kyoka, wake up" Momo said but her voice was soft and quiet that Kyoka didn't even flinch. "Kyoka" She said but Kyoka didn't move again. I knew Momo wouldn't be louder since she wanted to her to wake up peacefully but I could tell it wouldn't work. I sat up and picked up Kyoka pulling her towards me so her back was pressed against my chest.
"Kyo, get up or no snuggles" I said leaning into her ear. Her eyes instantly opened as she turned to face me.
"You don't take the snuggles away" She said with a deathly stare.
"You're awake so it's fine" I said. I let her go but she clung to me so I just stood up and kept her hanging off of me.
"Did you two bring clothes here?" Momo asked.
"Uhhh... No..." I answered realising that I should have, but I knew Kyoka hadn't either so at least I wasn't alone with it.
"Take me to my room, I'll grab something there" Kyoka requested.
"Alright" I said.

I took Kyoka to her room and she let go of me instantly starting to strip, a massive blush appeared on my face and I quickly turned around.
"Huh? You okay?" Kyoka asked.
"Y-Ye-Yeah" I stuttered.
"Oh, right. You haven't seen me naked before. I don't care if you look or not, you'll see me like this eventually" She said.
"I-I'll just go get changed" I said.
"Suit yourself, you know where to find me" She said seductively. I wanted to look but I didn't want to overstep boundaries even if she said that it was okay, I also don't want to do anything with her without Momo since we agreed to do everything together. I left before the temptation took over and went to my room getting changed when I got a text from Mina.

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