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The Weasleys, plus Harry and Hermione, were making another visit to Mr. Weasley after Christmas dinner. Once again, they begged me to come along, but I refused.

"This is the one holiday where Mum is actually here," I told Fred. "I can't pass this up."

"Alright, I'll see you soon, love." after a quick kiss on the forehead, Fred left with the others.

I heard the faint echo of laughter coming from the study. Mum and Sirius must have been doing more "catching up". They've been inseparable all day long, which left me bored out of my mind.

I wandered up the staircases until I reached Sirius' room. After all, what more to do than snoop around?

It looked like a troll had inhabited the room instead of Sirius. Clothes were strewn about, the dresser drawers were ajar, and empty gift boxes lay on the floor. Not a surprise, at this point.

I noticed one gift box that was still unopened, and curiousity got the best of me.

I picked it up. It was fairly heavy. The ribbon was still intact, and the tag said: To: Ella From: Sirius.

I undid the bow and took off the lid.

There was a leather book inside. I picked it up and turned to the first page. The words "family photos" were hastily scrawled in the top right corner.

I flipped the page again.

What looked like a very young Sirius was standing in the Gryffindor common room. He had his arm around a girl, who looked like a very young version of my Mum. His other arm was around James Potter. My Mum was standing next to Lily Potter. They were laughing at something.

I flipped the page.

My mother was sitting on a bed in the Gryffindor dormitory. She's smiling, but she looks like she had been crying earlier. Lily and another girl I don't recognize are cheering behind my Mum.

Next page.

Young Sirius was sitting on the couch in the Gryffindor common room with my Mum. He's pointing to her stomach and laughing. She's giving him the stink eye.

Next page.

Mum in a Hogwarts classroom, holding a baby— Miranda. Lily is casting her patronus— a doe— to entertain baby Miranda.

Another photo, captioned, Hogwarts Graduation, 1978

Lily, James, Remus, Peter Pettigrew, Mum, baby Miranda, and Sirius were standing in front of the castle. They were in Hogwarts robes and cheering.

I couldn't stop now. The next page had a heading at the top, saying, forever.

There's many photos on this page. One of Sirius in a suit. One of James, Remus, and Sirius, in suits. One of Mum in a simple wedding dress. One of Lily and the girl-I-don't-recognize in simple gowns.

Next page.

Front and center is a picture of a man and a woman. They're in a backyard, wearing a suit and a wedding gown. They're kissing.

Sirius and my Mum are kissing.

"What the hell..." I muttered. My head was about to explode.

Next page.

Sirius, Mum, and a toddler Miranda are standing in front of our house. Miranda is in Sirius' arms. The photo is captioned, our first home.

The next photo is dated 30/09/1979. The day before the Potters went into hiding. Remus, Sirius, Lily, James, and Mum were standing in a circle, hugging one another. I can only see Lily's face, and she's crying.

Next page, Mum is showing off a baby bump. The date is 05/05/1980. She's pregnant with me.

Next, Lily and Mum and sitting on the couch together. Lily is holding Harry, and Mum is holding me.

The pages were thinning, and I was reaching the end of the book.

Date: 01/09/1980. I was only a few months old. Sirius was lifting me into the air above his head. We were both giggling.

25/12/1980. My first Christmas. Miranda and I are in front of the tree, and Sirius is holding me toward the camera. Presents are scattered about.

24/04/1981. I take my first steps into Sirius's arms.

I go to turn the page, but there isn't one to turn. I've reached the end.

I could barely think. Sirius was my father? How?

No way, I thought, trying to take deep breaths. That's not possible. Mum would tell me...wouldn't she?

I marched down the stairs, book in hand. I burst into the study, feeling the anger inside me start to rise.

Sirius and Mum were sitting, side by side, holding bottles of butterbeer. The smiles faded from their faces when they saw me enter the room.

My hair must have been a startling shade of red, because they both seemed hesitant to say anything.

"What's the matter, hon?" Mum finally asked.

"How could you?!" I practically shrieked, throwing the book at them.

Sirius went pale. My mother seemed frozen, like she'd been hit with a Stunning spell.

"How did you find this?" Sirius asked, his voice barely a whisper.

"It was just lying in your room!" I snapped. "Should've hidden it a little better, I suppose!"

"Ella," My mother started, "Please let us explain..."

"I don't want to hear it!" I shouted. "You lied to me! How could you?!"

Tears were clouding my vision. I couldn't stand to be in the same room as them anymore, so I ran out.


I sat in my room, crying, for a long time. I heard voices downstairs, but no one came up to talk to me.

Finally, I heard the front door open. Everyone had returned from St. Mungo's. The loud excitement died down fast, and I knew Mum was explaining the events that had just occurred.

Soon, there was a knock on the door. I stayed put.

"Ella?" Fred knocked again. "Please let me in."

"I want to be alone," I told him.

"I really think you should hear what your Mum and Sirius have to say." he said.

"They lied to me." I croaked.

"I know, I know," Fred sighed. "But you need to hear their side."

I contemplated for a minute. Maybe it was worth hearing what they had to say. Maybe they could make sense of all this.

Another knock.

"Ella?" It was Mum this time. "May we come in?"

"Fine," I sighed, wiping away the remaining tears.

Mum and Sirius swung open the door. Mum sat down at the foot of my bed, and Sirius took a spot on the floor, using Miranda's bed as a backrest.

"Honey, we never meant to lie to you." she said, patting my back. "But times were different then."

"Were you ever going to tell me?" I looked to both of them.

"Of course," Sirius said without hesitation. "Why do you think I had that book ready to give to you?"

"We wanted to tell you when the time was right," Mum said. "But then Arthur...we just didn't want to cause more stress on you."

"Does Miranda know?"

They both shook their heads.

"She's still convinced I'm a murderer." Sirius chuckled.

I still felt like I was at a loss for words. There was so much I still didn't know.

"Do you want to hear the truth?" Mum asked me. "I'll tell you everything, I swear."

I nodded.

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