Chapter 9 Meeting Elijah

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Elijah knows about some stuff that he has heard Emma talk about.

Long chapter! 😂😂

Maddie's POV
Emma just texted me, The Panthers, and "Proxy" if we could meet at The 7, because she has some news for us.
I text her back "sure, since it's closed I think "Proxy" can open it for us."
"I wonder what the news is." I tell, The Panthers and "Proxy".
They just shrug.
"Well we're gonna go get ready. I think you should get ready too "Proxy", so that you can open up."
"Ok, well bye Panthers, and Mads."
"Mads?" I say confused.
"Yea, new nickname I came up for you. Do you like it?"
"OF COURSE!! Now go get changed."
"Ok, bye."

We went up to my room and I used my powers to flash myself into a strapless coral dress with black High-Heels, I flashed Katie into a strapless aqua dress with silver flats, and I flashed Sophie into a strapless yellow dress with black flats. After that, I curled my hair, which took about 20 minutes, cause I didn't want to us my powers for that, Katie did a half-up half-down DO with her hair, and Sophie just left her hair down. Right when I finished my hair, "Proxy" texted me saying that, he was on his way to The 7. I texted him back that, I was on my way and we would meet up over there. I closed my phone and flashed us out.

Elijah's POV
I can't believe that I'm out of the house! It's so beautiful out here. We walk across the street, and I see Daniel come out of the house.
"Danny!!" Emma says, as she runs to give him a hug.
"Hey, Em." Daniel says.
"Hey, Daniel." I say.
"Hey, Elijah." he replies.
"So, this is your first time out of your house?" he asks.
"Ok. So, let's go?" Daniel asks
"Yea." Emma and I say together.

💫🌟💫🌟💫🌟💫🌟💫🌟💫 At the 7 💫🌟💫🌟💫🌟💫🌟💫🌟💫

Cont. Elijah's POV
"Wow! This place is awesome!" I said, in amazement.
"It's just a pizzeria. (IDK what it is)" Emma said.
"Oh. Well, thanks for cutting down my amusement."
"They're here already." Daniel said, pointing to a crowd of people.
"Hey guys!" Emma and Daniel said together.
"Hey!" they replied.
"Who's this?" A girl in a strapless yellow dress asked. However, she seemed confused.
"Oh. Guys, I would like you to meet Elijah, my brother."
"OMP!! Emma, you have a brother!?" Another girl said, but she had a coral dress on.
"Elijah, I would like you to meet: Maddie, Katie, Sophie, The Panthers, and also Andi, and Diego. (Gigi is not there cause you all know how she is)"
"Hi, everybody." I said, my voice shaky.
"Hi!" they all said back,
"They all seem so nice." I thought.
All of a sudden all the girls come over to me, and start asking me all these questions, that I could barely make out what they were saying.
"How long have you been stuck in your house?" Sophie asked.
"How come we never knew about you?" Katie asked.
"Are you into fashion?" Maddie asked. (I know Maddie would never ask that, but whatever.)
"Do you place Zombie Apocalypse?" Andi asked. The Panthers stared at her in disbelief. I was staring too, but not because of what she asked. I was staring at how beautiful she is. The single purple strand on her hair, her voice, so settle, the way she wasn't afraid to ask that question. I may not know much about her, but she will be mine.
"All my life, my dad and mom didn't want anyone to know, not really, and YES."
"Cool." Andi said.
"Do you want to play afterwards, at your house?"
"Your on. Emma says your great. Well, she doesn't play well so yea."
After me and Andi were done talking we all sat down and got a pizza that Diego brought from the back. We ate and after, Daniel called me and Diego over to the back of The 7. He told us if we could take the girls home EXCEPT Emma, because he wanted to do something special for her. We told him ok and with that we took the girls home. Diego took Maddie and The Panthers home, and I took Andi to my house, cause she wanted to play.

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