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"Churros! Churros! Churros! Churr- No." I immediately stopped cheering, as Flo reached for shotgun.

"Worth a shot." She sighed, before pulling on the back seat door.

Unlocking the car, Flo quickly hurried into the passenger seat, as I rolled my eyes. I mumbled an insult under my breath, causing her to whack me in the arm.

I winced before giggling. "Where is this place anyway?" I scrunched up my nose, as I fastened my seatbelt.

"Cowley Road." Flo answered bluntly.

"Which is where exactly?"

Flo rolled her eyes, "Forgot you've never been here before."

"You haven't?" Raffie gaped with a gasp.

I gave a sheepish smile, "Nope, but the houses are pretty nice, might move here." I told her.

"Please don't." Flo joked, making me shove her slightly, as we all giggled.

"We all buckled in?"

They both nodded, chirping a "Yep."

"Hey, we should get some Flo Pizza!" The blonde suggested as I backed up the car, I leaned back, putting an arm on Flo's seat. Sensing Raff's eyes scan my concentrated face, I sent her a grin.

"Flo pizza?" Tipsy questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah it's fab! You need to try it!" She told her sister, before directing me with a point, "A left here."

"And just follow the road till the bottom, then it's another left." Raff added and I nodded.

"Ooh! Ooh! Can I play one of Toby's songs?" Flo seemed to jump in her seat at the thought.

"Sure." I agreed, "Definitely Number One Lover first though. Absolutely loved both of your dancing skills in that one by the way."

Glancing into the rear mirror, I saw Raff's face go a light shade of pink, as she suppressed a smile.

"Of course you loved mine," Flo grinned cockily, "Not sure why you like Mols' though."

Raff gave her a light slap in the arm at her comment, and she winced. "A right here and then the next left."

Stopping at the traffic light as Flo directed me, I fumbled in the car cabinet, pulling out a pack of chewing gum.

"Chewing gum?" I offered Raff, as the light turned amber.

"What flavour?"

"Apple." I answered, popping a peice in my mouth.

"Of course." She said and I handed her the packet. She gave me the packet back, as Flo waited for me to ask her.

Feeling her stare, I shoved the packet into my pocket making her give me a glare, "Wow! You're not even gonna ask me if I want one?" She asked, making me glance at her at another red light.

I waited a second before replying, "Nope."

"Bitch." She mumbled under her breath, making me give her a light slap.

I rolled my eyes after a second or so, giving in, as I threw her the packet, "Thank you!" She replied squeakily.

I hummed, "No probs Flo. But you better not have them all or I swear-"

"You'll throw me off vormir, I know!" Florence rolled her eyes.

I saw Raffie furrow her eyebrows through the rear-facing mirror, "Vormir?"

"Yeah you know the cliff?" I trailed off and could sense Raffie's confusion even more. "Wait! Do you not watch marvel?!"

My mouth hung open as Raffie responded, while I parked in front of Kazbar, "Nope, everyone's fighting and I just- I get confused." She told me.

My mouth was left agape, as Flo and Raff both laughed at my state. "I- Wow, Tipsy, wow. I am so disappointed."

Raff rolled her eyes, slapping me playfully on the arm from behind, "Shut up!" She giggled and I smiled.

"I'm gonna go in and raid Kazbar now. And sadly I'm gonna have to go make some churros."

I nodded and Raffie tried to question Flo's decision, before she was rudely intrupted.

"You know you're banned from coming yourself after what happened last time." Raff rolled her eyes, "You're on babysitting duty." Flo pointed at me.

I furrowed my eyebrows with a small chuckle, "Wait, what happened last time?"

"God you're so behind," She rolled her eyes, "Raffie, here," She pointed at her sister, "Raided Kazbar for all of its alcohol, before school and then-"

"Technically it wasn't my fault!" Raffie intrupted.

"At school, they were caught red handed and the school called ours and Rachel's parents." Flo laughed.

"And I was grounded..." Raff muttered before Flo added to it.

"For a month."

I laughed at the thought, "Wait, wait, how exactly wasn't it your fault?" I questioned Raff.

"Rachel snitched on me!" I gave her a confused look as we both laughed, "She got caught with her little flask and the teachers were all like "where'd you get this?" and then Rachel was like "Me and Raff got it from Kazbar!", it was devastating." I giggled at her story, as Flo rolled her eyes.

"She was fifteen." Flo added.

"Underage drinking," I tutted, "That seems a bit illegal, don't you think?"

"No, no not really." Raffie told me and we all chuckled.

"Now ima go get some churros before Mols is late," Flo told us both, as she headed out of the car, slamming the door shut, leaving me and Raffie alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2022 ⏰

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